Dr. Jinqing Wang

Dr. Jinqing Wang
Born March, 1985, Yiwu China
Work Experiences
2019—now Associate Professor, The Institute for Energy Engineering, College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University
2010—2019 Lecturer, The Institute for Energy Engineering, College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University
Education Background
- 2013—2018 Ph. D. School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Thesis: Corrosion and slag resistance of h-BN based ceramic coating for coal-fired boiler: performance and mechanism
- 2007—2010 M. Sc. College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University
Thesis: Investigation on the burner of high-efficiency pulverized coal industrial boiler
- 2003—2007 B. Eng. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University
Thesis: Numerical simulation of generating hydrogen from methane–steam catalytic reforming reaction in the microcombustor
Research Interests
My current research focuses on the mass transfer in porous media.
Journal Publications
[1] Liu W, Zhe N, Bao F, Feng Z, Kong M, Wang J*. 3D digital holography for measuring particle impact crater morphology and in-situ analysis of oxidation healing on steel surfaces[J]. Wear, 2025, 562: 205629.
[2] Feng Z, Zhang M, Wang J*, et al. Ripening of capillary-trapped ganglia in porous media[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2025, 163: 111364.
[3] Xu, Y., Wang, F., Zhang, P., Lu, C., Liu, W., Guo, Y. Wang J.Q*. High-precision 3D printing by deploying expandable microspheres[J]. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2024, 5(8).
[4] Wang J Q, Feng Z, Zhang Y N, Zhang M A, Zhan M X, Kong M, Xu P, Liu J Y, Xu X. Heating-induced release of trapped bubbles from dead-end pore throats filled with nonvolatile liquid, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 022012.
[5] Wang J Q, Zhang M A, Liu W, Kong M, Zhan M X, Wu X H, Wu H, Feng Z, Xu X. Method for measuring the three-dimensional morphology of near-wall bubbles and droplets based on LED digital holography[J]. Langmuir, 2024, 40(4):2039-2049.
[6] Wu H, Li W, Wang J*, et al. Drying characteristics of soil in large-scale rotary kilns: An experimental and CFD-DEM study[J]. Drying Technology, 2024: 1-14.
[7] Zhan M X, Wu L T, Xu X, Wang J Q*, Shan Y P, Yin Y G, Jiao W T , Giesy J P. Synergetic degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in soil using electrical resistance heating induced persulfate activation[J]. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2023, 900:165497.
[8] Rui Chai, Jinqing Wang *, Minxiu Zhan, Dingkun Yuan, Zuohe Chi, Hailin Gu, Jiani Mao. Pre-Drying of Chlorine–Organic-Contaminated Soil in a Rotary Dryer for Energy Efficient Thermal Remediation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(24):16607.
[9] Weiyang Mao, Jinqing Wang*, Yuanwen Liu, Zuohe Chi, Mingxiu Zhan, Longjie Ji, Sinuo Yan & Yachen Wang. Drying Kinetics and Pollutant release Characteristics of Organic Contaminated Soil, Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 2022, 31(7): 874-88.