Zeitschriften- und Kongressbeiträge
- Tsotsas, E., Gogousis, A.: The field of heliostats of a 5 MWe central-tower solar power-plant, (in griechischer Sprache), Proceedings of the first national symposium of the Greek Society for Regenerative Energy Forms, Thessaloniki, Oktober 1982
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Der Wärmeübergang durch enge Gasspalte - Ein zentrales Problem bei gekühlten Chipträgern in Hochleistungscomputern, Chem. Eng. Process., 18 (1984), 25-29
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Die Kontakttrocknung rieselfähigen, polydispersen Granulats im Vakuum, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 56 (1984), 844-846
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Contact drying of mechanically agitated particulate material in the presence of inert gas, in A. S. Mujumdar (ed.), Drying `86, Proceedings of the 5th Intern. Drying Symposium, Cambridge / Massachusetts, Hemisphere, Washington 1986, vol. 1, sect. III, 157-168
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Contact drying of mechanically agitated particulate material in the presence of inert gas, Chem. Eng. Process., 20 (1986), 277-285
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Vacuum contact drying of free flowing mechanically agitated multigranular packings, Chem. Eng. Process., 20 (1986), 339-349
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Contact drying of polydispersed free flowing granular material, in "Current research in heat and mass transfer -- A Compendium and a Festschrift for Professor A. Ramachadran“, Hemisphere, Washington, 1986, 259-275
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Heat transfer through narrow gas gaps: a crucial problem in cooled-chip supports in high-capacity computers, Int. Chem. Engng, 27 (1987), 34-39, (eingeladene englische Übersetzung)
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Heat transfer during evaporation and condensation of binary mixtures, Chem. Eng. Process., 21 (1987), 209-215
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Vacuum contact drying of mechanically agitated beds: The influence of hygroscopic behaviour on the drying rate curve, Chem. Eng. Process., 21 (1987), 199-208
- Tsotsas, E., Martin, H.: Thermal conductivity of packed beds: A review, Chem. Eng. Process., 22 (1987), 19-37
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Some remarks on channeling and on radial dispersion in packed beds, Chem. Eng. Sci., 43 (1988), 1200-1203
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Contact resistance between rigid walls and particles and its importance on modeling heat transfer to fixed, moving, agitated and fluidized beds, Proceedings of the Eurotherm 4, Thermal transfer in composite materials and at solid-solid interface, 28. Juni - 01. Juli 1988, Nancy / France
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: On axial dispersion in packed beds with fluid flow, Chem. Eng. Process., 24 (1988), 15-31
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Strömungsungleichverteilung und axiale Dispersion in Festbetten, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 61 (1989), 243-246
- Tsotsas, E., Martin, H.: Wärmeübertragung zwischen einer Wand und dispersen Gas/Feststoff-Systemen, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 61 (1989), 677-686
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Heat transfer in packed beds with fluid flow: Remarks on the meaning and the calculation of a heat transfer coefficient at the wall, Chem. Engng Sci., 45 (1990), 819-839
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: The influence of tube to particle diameter ratio on pressure drop in packed tubes: Remarks on a recent paper by Chu and Ng, AIChE J., 36 (1990), 151-154
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Measurements of mass transfer between particles and gas in packed tubes at very low tube to particle diameter ratios, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 25 (1990), 245-256
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Numerical calculation of the thermal conductivity of two regular bidispersed beds of spherical particles, Computers Chem. Engng, 14 (1990), 1031-1038
- Tsotsas, E.: Eine einfache empirische Gleichung zur Vorausberechung der Porosität polydisperser Kugelschüttungen, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 63 (1991), 495-496
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Impact of particle size dispersity on thermal conductivity of packed beds: Measurement, numerical simulation, prediction, Chem. Eng. Technol., 14 (1991), 421-427
- Tsotsas, E., Martin, H.: Heat transfer between a wall and gas-solid dispersed systems, Int. Chem. Engng, 31 (1991), 629-641, (eingeladene englische Übersetzung)
- Tsotsas, E.: Physiologische Aspekte der Wärmeübertragung, Fridericiana / Zeitschrift der Universität Karlsruhe, Heft 46 (1992), 35-43
- Tsotsas, E.: Transportvorgänge in Festbetten: Geschichte, Standpunkt und Perspektiven der Forschung, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 64 (1992), 313-322
- Tsotsas, E.: On mass transfer, dispersion, and macroscopical flow maldistribution in packed tubes, Chem. Eng. Process., 31 (1992), 181-190
- Tsotsas, E.: Measurement and modelling of intraparticle drying kinetics: A review, in A. S. Mujumdar (ed.) Drying ´92, Proceedings of the 8th Intern. Drying Symposium, Montreal/Canada, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1992, 17-41
- Tsotsas, E.: Low Péclet number transient heat transfer in packed beds: Reevaluation of the data of Donnadieu, Chem. Eng. Sci., 48 (1993), 3434-3437
- Tsotsas, E., Schlünder, E.-U.: Comment on studies on axial dispersion in fixed beds, Chem. Eng. Process., 33 (1994), 107-111
- Tsotsas, E.: From single particle to fluid bed drying kinetics, Drying Technol., 12 (1994), 1401-1426
- Tsotsas, E.: Discrimination of fluid bed models and investigation of particle-to-gas mass transfer by means of drying experiments, Chem. Eng. Process., 33 (1994), 237-245
- Tsotsas, E.: Wärmeübertragung in Festbetten, Preprints der Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung „Fortschritte in der Technik der Wärmeübertragung“, GVC-W, Baden-Baden, 29./30. Nov. 1994, Paper 11
- Tsotsas, E., Bellgardt, D.: Practical and theoretical aspects of fluid bed drying, Proc. Int. Symp. of Engng Foundation „Fluidization VIII“, Tours/France, 1995, 1043-1050, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in: Fluidization VIII, Large, J.-F., Laguérie, C. (eds), Engineering Foundation, New York, 1996, S. 519-526
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: A new model for fluid bed drying, in C. Strumillo, Z. Pakowski (eds), Drying ´96, Proceedings of the 10th Intern. Drying Symposium, Krakow/Poland, Drukarnia Papaj, Lodz 1996, 315-322, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Drying Technol., 15 (1997), 1687-1698
- Hirschmann, C., Tsotsas, E.: Einfluß der Porenstruktur auf den Stofftransport am Beispiel der Trocknung, Freiberger Forschungshefte, A849 (1998), 74-83
- Burgschweiger, J., Tsotsas, E.: A population balance model for fluidized bed drying, in C.B. Akritidis, D. Marinos-Kouris, G.D. Saravakos (eds), Drying ´98, Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Drying Symposium, Halkidiki/Greece, Ziti editions, Thessaloniki 1998, 134-141
- Hirschmann, C., Tsotsas, E.: Impact of pore structure on particle-side drying kinetics, in C.B. Akritidis, D. Marinos-Kouris, G.D. Saravakos (eds), Drying ´98, Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Drying Symposium, Halkidiki/Greece, Ziti editions, Thessaloniki 1998, 216-223
- Hirschmann, C., Fyhr, C., Tsotsas, E., Kemp, I.C.: Comparison of two basic methods for measuring drying curves: Thin layer method and drying channel, in C.B. Akritidis, D. Marinos-Kouris, G.D. Saravakos (eds), Drying ´98, Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Drying Symposium, Halkidiki/Greece, Ziti editions, Thessaloniki 1998, 224-231
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Predicting Sherwood numbers in fluidized beds, in C.B. Akritidis, D. Marinos-Kouris, G.D. Saravakos (eds), Drying ´98, Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Drying Symposium, Halkidiki/Greece, Ziti editions, Thessaloniki 1998, 192-199, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Drying Technology, 17 (1999), 1557-1570
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Heat transfer from a surface to wet fluidized particles during drying, in C.B. Akritidis, D. Marinos-Kouris, G.D. Saravakos (eds), Drying ´98, Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Drying Symposium, Halkidiki/Greece, Ziti editions, Thessaloniki 1998, 184-191
- Tsotsas, E.: Achievements, challenges and perspectives in modelling and design of convective dryers, in C.B. Akritidis, D. Marinos-Kouris, G.D. Saravakos (eds), Drying ´98, Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Drying Symposium, Halkidiki/Greece, Ziti editions, Thessaloniki 1998, 11-22
- Burgschweiger, J., Groenewold, H., Hirschmann, C., Tsotsas, E.: From hygroscopic single particle to batch fluidized bed drying kinetics, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 77 (1999), 333-341
- Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E.: Das Nußelt-Graetz-Problem für gepackte Rohre, Transactions of the Tambov Technical University, 5 (1999), 68-82
- Burgschweiger, J., Wu, Y., Tsotsas, E., Döschner, C.: A process model for fluidized bed drying and its application for design and control, Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montpellier/Frankreich, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 13 (1999), No. 69, 153-160
- Winterberg, M., Krischke, A., Tsotsas, E., Vortmeyer, D.: On the invariability of transport parameters in packed beds upon catalytic reaction, Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montpellier/Frankreich, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 13 (1999), No. 65, 205-212
- Tsotsas, E.: Energetic optimization and product quality enhancement in solids processing: A dilemma?, Proceedings of the 6th Greek Conference of the Solar Technology Institute on the Optimization of Energy Processes, 03.-05. Nov. 1999, Volos/Greece (eingeladener Übersichtsbeitrag)
- Burgschweiger, J., Tsotsas, E.: Ein neues, schnelles Meßverfahren für Sorptionsisothermen - Anwendung auf Aktivtonerde, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 72 (2000) 1 + 2, 88-94
- Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E. , Krischke, A., Vortmeyer, D.: A simple and coherent set of coefficients for modelling of heat and mass transport with and without chemical reaction in tubes packed with spheres, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55 (2000), 967-979
- Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E.: Impact of tube-to-particle diameter ratio on pressure drop in packed beds, AIChE J., 46 (2000), 1084-1088
- Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E.: Modelling of heat transport in beds packed with spherical particles for various bed geometries and / or thermal boundary conditions, Int. J. Thermal Sci., 39 (2000), 556-570
- Tsotsas, E., Groenewold, H., Groenewold, C., Burgschweiger, J.: Static and dynamic models for drying in bubbling fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Fluidization, Toulouse/Frankreich, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 14 (2000), No. 75, 113-120
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Wall-to-bed heat transfer during fluidized bed drying, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Fluidization, Toulouse/Frankreich, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 14 (2000), No. 75, 205-212
- Groenewold, H., Hirschmann, C., Burgschweiger, J., Tsotsas, E.: Comparison of convective drying kinetics of active and inactivated Al2O3, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 48 (2000), No. 2, 369-382
- Groenewold, C., Möser, C., Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of single particle drying kinetics in an acoustic levitator, in P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Mooiweer (eds), Proceedings of the 12th Intern. Drying Symposium, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands, Elsevier 2000, Paper No. 58, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Chem. Eng. J., 86 (2002), 217-222
- Kaiser, S., Tsotsas, E.: Advoidance of fouling from dryer exhaust gases as a presupposition for efficient energy recovery – An experimental approach, in P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Mooiweer (eds), Proceedings of the 12th Intern. Drying Symposium, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands, Elsevier 2000, Paper No. 55
- Groenewold, C., Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Interrelations between porous structure and convective drying kinetics in theory and experiment, in P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Mooiweer (eds), Proceedings of the 12th Intern. Drying Symposium, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands, Elsevier 2000, Paper No. 59
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation and modelling of the influence of indirect heating on fluidized bed drying, in P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Mooiweer (eds), Proceedings of the 12th Intern. Drying Symposium, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands, Elsevier 2000, Paper No. 39, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Drying Technology, 19 (2001), 1739-1754
- Schneider, M., Tsotsas, E.: Migration of residual moisture during the storage of particulates after drying, in P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Mooiweer (eds), Proceedings of the 12th Intern. Drying Symposium, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands, Elsevier 2000, Paper No. 360
- Möser, C., Tsotsas, E.: Thermal effects during the desorption of ammonia from single drops, in E.W.P. Hahne, W. Heidemann, K. Spindler (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd European Thermal Sciences Conference, Heidelberg, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2000, 1217-1222
- Post, S., Tsotsas, E.: Combined heat transfer, mass transfer and interface convection during evaporation of binary mixtures from planar gaps, in E.W.P. Hahne, W. Heidemann, K. Spindler (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd European Thermal Sciences Conference, Heidelberg, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2000, 911-916
- Tsotsas, E.: Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der Modellierung von Transportvorgängen in durchströmten Festbetten, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., (72), 4, 2000, 313-321
- Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E.: Correlations for effective transport coefficients in beds packed with cylindrical particles, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55 (2000), 5937-5943
- Tsotsas, E.: Letter to the editor on „Experimental determination of transverse mixing kinetics in a rolling drum by image analysis“ by D.R. van Puyvelde, B.R. Young, M.A. Wilson and S.J. Smith (Powder Technol., 106 (1999), 183-191), Powder Technology, 114 (2001), 262-263
- Kemp, I.C., Fyhr, B.C., Laurent, S., Roques, M., Groenewold, C., Tsotsas, E., Sereno, A., Bonazzi, C., Bimbenet, J., Kind, M.: Methods for processing experimental drying kinetics data, Drying Technol., 19 (2001), 15-34
- Möser, C., Tsotsas, E.: Removal of ammonia from single water drops at normal and reduced pressure, Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Nürnberg, 2001, Paper No. 459
- Beißner, H., Tsotsas, E.: Miscible displacement and diffusion during the removal of undesired liquids from porous bodies by washing, Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Nürnberg, 2001, Paper No. 436
- Post, S., Urukova, I., Tsotsas, E.: Microconvection during pervaporation of binary liquid mixture from planar gaps or packed layers, Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Nürnberg, 2001, Paper No. 446
- Kaiser, S., Tsotsas, E.: Formation of fouling layers and energy recovery from dryer exhaust gases, in O. Alvares-Filho, T.M. Eikerik, I. Strommen (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Drying Conference, Trondheim/Norway, 2001, Paper No. 16
- Schneider, M. Tsotsas, E.: On the predictability of silo rain: Modeling moisture migration in beds of particulates after drying, in O. Alvares-Filho, T.M. Eikerik, I. Strommen (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Drying Conference, Trondheim/Norway, 2001, Paper No. 15
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of heat transfer from a cylinder to fluidized particles with a latent heat sink, in G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Goulas, A. Mariani (eds), Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki/Greece, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2001, 1717-1722
- Kaiser, S., Antonijevic, D., Tsotsas, E.: Formation of fouling layers on a heat exchanger element exposed to warm, humid and solids loaded air streams, in G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Goulas, A. Mariani (eds), Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki/Greece, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2001, 777-782, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Exper. Thermal and Fluid Sci., 26 (2002), 291-297
- Möser, C., Groenewold, C., Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Untersuchung der Kinetik von Trennprozessen im akustischen Levitator: Vor- und Nachteile, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 73 (2001), 1012-1017
- Post, S., Tsotsas, E.: Analyse und Quantifizierung von während und aufgrund der Stoffübertragung eines binären Gemisches durch senkrechte Spalte induzierter Mikrokonvektion, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 73 (2001), 1310-1314
- Tsotsas, E., Groenewold, H.: Combined convective and contact drying in fluidized beds, in C.W. Cao, X.D. Liu, Y.K. Pan, Y.X. Ou (eds), Proceedings of the 13th Intern. Drying Symposium, Beijing / China, 2002, Vol. A, 524-531
- Burgschweiger, J., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation and modelling of continuous fluidized bed drying under steady-state and dynamic conditions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57 (2002), 5021-5038
- Tsotsas, E.: Product quality in drying – luck, trial, experience or science?, Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Drying Conference (NDC’03), Kopenhagen/ Dänemark, 2003, Paper No. 76
- Peglow, M., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: A generic model for investigating the influence of dispersion on fluidized bed evaporation and drying, Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Drying Conference (NDC’03), Kopenhagen/ Dänemark, 2003, Paper No. 33
- Kache, G., Tsotsas, E., Evripidis, I.: Calculation of product temperature by short-cut tools for convective dryer design, Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Drying Conference (NDC’03), Kopenhagen/ Dänemark, 2003, Paper No. 78
- Tsotsas, E.: Moderne Prozeß- und Produktgestaltung am Beispiel der Trocknung, Magdeburger Wissenschaftsjournal, 1,2 / 2003, 63-70
- Tsotsas, E.: Industrial convective drying: A unit operation on the way to process systems and product engineering, Proceedings of the European Drying Symposium (EU Drying 03), 2003, Kreta/ Griechenland, 15-27
- Stakic, M., Tsotsas, E.: Optimization of operational regimes for cross-flow grain dryers, Proceedings of the European Drying Symposium (EU Drying 03), 2003, Kreta/ Griechenland, 241-251
- Urukova, I., Post, S., Tsotsas, E.: Enhancement of mass transfer by microconvection during the evaporation of binary mixtures from porous layers, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 4), 2003, Granada/Spanien, Paper No. P-7.1-012
- Kwapinski, W., Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of flow maldistribution on packed bed adsorber performance, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 4), 2003, Granada/Spanien, Paper No. P-5.5-007
- Silalahi, S.H.D., Hussain, A., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E.: Numerical and experimental investigation of heat transfer in the wall of membrane reactors, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 4), 2003, Granada/Spanien, Paper No. O-5.2-004
- Hamel, C., Joshi, M., Tsotsas, E., Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Aspects of describing stagewise dosing of reactants into fixed-bed and membrane reactors using 2D models, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 4), 2003, Granada/Spanien, Paper No. P-7.2-049
- Heinrich, S., Peglow , M., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: On the predictability of fluidized bed evaporation and drying: Analysis of mixing behaviour and transport phenomena, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 4), 2003, Granada/Spanien, Paper No. P-8.4-018
- Salem, K., Mewes, D., Tsotsas, E.: Near infra-red tomography for concentration measurement of exhausting water vapour of a packed bed adsorber, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 2003, Banff/Canada, 199-206
- Beißner, H., Tsotsas, E.: Einfluss einer Gas-Flüssig-Grenzfläche auf die Waschkinetik poröser Stoffe bei Mischbarkeit von Beladungs- und Waschflüssigkeit, Transactions of the Tambov Technical University, 10 (2004), 101-113
- Kwapinski,W., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of drying or adsorption kinetics and equilibria on single particles by a magnetic suspension balance, Proceedings of the 4th European Thermal Sciences Conference, 2004, Birmingham/Großbritannien
- Hussain, A., Silalahi, S.H.D., Tsotsas, E.: Heat transfer in tubular, inorganic membranes, Proceedings of the 4th European Thermal Sciences Conference, 2004, Birmingham/Großbritannien
- Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Fluidized bed drying: Influence of dispersion and transport phenomena, in Silva, M.A., Rocha, S.C.S. (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Drying Symposium, 2004, Sao Paulo/Brasilien, Vol. A, 129-136
- Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental determination of single-particle kinetics and equilibria for convective drying, desorption or adsorption by a magnetic suspension balance, in Silva, M.A., Rocha, S.C.S. (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Drying Symposium, 2004, Sao Paulo/Brasilien, Vol. B, 1419-1426
- Stakic, M., Tsotsas, E.: Model-based analysis and optimization of convective grain drying process, in Silva, M.A., Rocha, S.C.S. (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Drying Symposium, 2004, Sao Paulo/Brasilien, Vol. A, 381-388, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Drying Technol., 23 (2005), 1895-1908
- Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of pore distribution on drying kinetics: A simple capillary model, in Silva, M.A., Rocha, S.C.S. (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Drying Symposium, 2004, Sao Paulo/Brasilien, Vol. A, 185-192, als ausgewählter Beitrag auch in Drying Technology, 23 (2005), 1797-1809
- Stakic, M., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling and numerical analysis of an atypical convective coal drying process, Drying Technology, 22 (2004), 2351-2373
- Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of kinetics and equilibria for adsorption of water vapour on single particles by a magnetic suspension balance, Chem. Eng. Technol., 27 (2004), 681-686
- Kwapinski, W., Winterberg, M., Tsotsas, E, Mewes, D.: Modelling of the wall effect in packed bed adsorption, Chem. Eng. Technol., 27 (2004), 1179-1186
- Salem, K., Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E., Mewes, D.: Tomographic investigation of the influence of wall effects on the breakthrough in a highly loaded packed bed adsorber, Proceedings of AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin/Texas, 2004
- Saage, G., Kapinska, M., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete element simulation of the mixing time of granular solids in rotary drums, in Y. Wang (ed.), Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics (STAMM’2004), Seeheim/Germany, 2004
- Salem, K., Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E., Mewes, D.: Tomographic measurement of breakthrough in a packed bed adsorber, Chem. Eng. Sci., 60 (2005), 517-522
- Tsotsas, E.: Modelling fluidized bed drying, in T.M. Eikevik, O. Alves-Filho, I. Strommen (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Drying Conference (NDC ´05), Karlstad/Schweden, 2005
- Metzger, T., Irawan, A., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete modelling of drying kinetics of porous media, in T.M. Eikevik, O. Alves-Filho, I. Strommen (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Drying Conference (NDC ´05), Karlstad/Schweden, 2005
- Drechsler, J., Peglow, M., Mörl, L., Stakic, M., Tsotsas, E.: Simulation of the steady state behaviour of granulation, agglomeration and drying units in a flow sheet simulation program, in T.M. Eikevik, O. Alves-Filho, I. Strommen (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Drying Conference (NDC ´05), Karlstad/Schweden, 2005
- Irawan, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network modelling of drying: Combination with a boundary layer model to capture the first drying period, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow/Scotland, 2005, P42-033
- Metzger, T., Klotchov, A., Vergeldt, F., van As, H., Tsotsas, E.: Magnetic resonance imaging to monitor moisture profiles in a drying nano-porous sphere, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow/Scotland, 2005, C14-004
- Saage, G., Kwapinska, M., Tsotsas, E.: An analysis of mixing in rotary drums by means of discrete element method and penetration model, in R. Garcia-Rajo, H.J. Herrmann, S. McNamara (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (“Powders and Grains”), Stuttgart/Germany, A.A. Balkema Publisher, Leiden 2005, Vol. B, 837-840
- Metzger, T., Kwapinska, M., Kwapinski, W., Peglow, M., Saage, G., Tsotsas, E.: New modelling and measuring methods in drying science and technology, in S.J. Kowalski (ed.), Proceedings of the XI Polish Drying Symposium, Poznan/Polen, 2005
- Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E.: Characterization of particulate materials in respect to drying, desorption or adsorption in packed bed, in S.J. Kowalski (ed.), Proceedings of the XI Polish Drying Symposium, Poznan/Polen, 2005
- Kwapinska, M., Saage, G., Tsotsas, E.: On the way from penetration models to discrete element simulations of contact dryers, in S.J. Kowalski (ed.), Proceedings of the XI Polish Drying Symposium, Poznan/Polen, 2005
- Post, S., Urukova, I., Tsotsas, E.: Interfacial convection during evaporation of binary mixtures from porous obstacles, AIChE J., 51 (2005), 3257-3274
- Kwapinska, M., Saage, G., Tsotsas, E.: Mixing of particles in rotary drums: A comparison of discrete element simulations with experimental results and penetration models for thermal processes, Powder Technol., 161 (2006), 69-78
- Schlünder, E.-U., Hampel, R., Peglow, M.: Vakuum-Schockgefriertrocknung und Trocknung wasserhaltiger poröser Partikel, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 77 (2005), 1892-1899
- Metzger, T., Irawan, A., Tsotsas, E.: Remarks on the paper “Extension of Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm to non-lattice environments” by A. Al-Futaisi and T.W. Patzek, Physica A 321 (2003) 665-678, Physica A, 363 (2006), 558-560
- Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Warnecke, G., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L., Hounslow, M.J.: An improved discretized tracer mass distribution of Hounslow et al., AIChE J., 52 (2006), 1326-1332
- Radichkov, R., Müller, T., Kienle A., Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Mörl, L.: A numerical bifurcation analysis of continuous fluidized bed spray granulation with external product classification, Chem. Eng. Process., 45 (2006), 826-837
- Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Mörl, L., Tsotsas, E.: Wirbelschichtforschung an der Universität Magdeburg, Mitteldeutsche Mitteilungen, 2006, Heft 2, 3-5
- Kwapinska, M., Saage, G., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete modelling of contact heating of particles in rotating drum, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 163d
- Kettner, C., Peglow, M., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Distributed product quality by the example of moisture content of granular materials in a continuous fluidized bed dryer, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 163f
- Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Warnecke, G., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Numerical solutions of a two-dimensional population balance equation for aggregation, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 155c
- Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E., Warnecke, G., Mörl, L.: A novel multi-dimensional population balance model incorporating particle size enlargement and drying behavior for fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 70bx
- Link, J.M., Godlieb, W., Tripp, P. Deen, N.G., Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Kuipers, J.A.M., Schönherr, M., Mörl, L.: Comparison of fibre optical measurements and discrete element simulations for the study of granulation in a spouted fluidized bed, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 260a
- Radichkov, R., Müller, T., Kienle, A., Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Mörl, L.: Numerical bifurcation analysis of the nonlinear dynamics in continuous fluidized bed spray granulation systems, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 240e
- Hampel, R., Heinrich, S., Mörl, L., Peglow, M.: Modelling and experimental analysis of superheated steam granulation, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-27. April 2006, Orlando, Paper No. 70au
- Hussain, A., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E.: Heat and mass transfer in tubular ceramic membranes for membrane reactors, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 49 (2006), 2239–2253
- Peglow, M., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E.: Towards a complete population balance model for fluidized bed spray granulation: Simultaneous drying and particle formation, Glatt International Times, 22 (2006), 7-13
- Salem, K., Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E., Mewes, D.: Experimental and theoretical investigation of concentration and temperature profiles in a narrow packed bed adsorber, Chem. Eng. Technol., 29 (2006), 910-915
- Kwapinski, W., Tsotsas, E.: Characterization of particulate materials in respect to drying, Drying Technol. 24 (2006), 1083-1092
- Tsotsas, E., Kwapinska, M., Saage, G.: Modelling of contact dryers, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 29-43
- Surasani, V.K., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Towards a complete pore network drying model: First steps to include heat transfer, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 125-132
- Irawan, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Isothermal drying of pore networks: Influence of friction for different pore structures, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 169-176
- Stakic, M., Tsotsas, E., Gai, S., Bauerschäfer, U.: Modelling of microwave aided desorption process within ceramic foams, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 219-226
- Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S., Warnecke, G., Mörl, L.: A population balance model for simultaneous drying and agglomeration, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 265-272
- Vu, T.H., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of pore size distribution via effective parameters in a continuous drying model, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 554-560
- Kettner, C., Peglow, M., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Distributed product quality in fluidized bed drying, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. B, 745-750
- Suherman, Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Drying kinetics of granular and powdery polymers, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. C, 1867-1874
- Link, J.M., Godlieb, W., Deen, N.G., Heinrich, S., Tripp, P., Peglow, M., Kuipers, J.A.M., Schönherr, M., Mörl, L.: Discrete element modeling and fibre optical measurements for fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. A, 315-322
- Hampel, R., Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Mörl, L.: Study of superheated steam granulation and drying in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, 20.-23. August 2006, Budapest, Vol. B, 649-655
- Gai, S., Enke, D., Tsotsas, E.: Selective heating of monolithic foam based catalysts and adsorbents by microwave energy, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 19), 3.-6. September 2006, Potsdam, 645-646
- Hamel, C., Tota, A., Wang, H., Tablet, C., Caro, J., Tsotsas, E.: Modelling and simulation of a membrane reactor for the oxidation of methane with simultaneous steam reforming using O2-selective perowskite hollow fibres, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 19), 3.-6. September 2006, Potsdam, 724-725
- Tota, A., Hamel, C., Klose, F., Tsotsas, E., Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Enhancement of intermediate product selectivity in multi-stage reactors – potential and pitfalls, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 19), 3.-6. September 2006, Potsdam, 738-739
- Groenewold, H., Tsotsas, E.: Drying in fluidized beds with immersed heating elements, Chem. Engng Sci., 62 (2007), 481-502
- Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Heinrich, S., Warnecke, G., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L., Wolf, B.: A generic population balance model for simultaneous agglomeration and drying in fluidized beds, Chem. Eng. Sci., 62 (2007), 513-532
- Metzger, T., Kwapinska, M., Peglow, M., Saage, G., Tsotsas, E.: Modern modelling methods in drying, Transport in Porous Media, 66 (2007), 103-120
- Nagaiah, C., Warnecke, G., Heinrich, S., Peglow, M.: Numerical simulation of temperature and concentration distributions in fluidized beds with liquid injection, Chem. Engng Sci., 62 (2007), 1567-1590
- Metzger, T., Irawan, A., Tsotsas, E.: Isothermal drying of pore networks: Influence of friction for different pore structures, Drying Technology, 25 (2007), 49-57
- Caro, J., Caspary, K.J. , Hamel, C., Hoting, B., Kölsch, P. Langanke, B., Nassauer, K., Schiestel, T. Schmidt, A., Schomäcker, R., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E., Voigt, I., Wang, H., Warsitz, R., Werth, S., Wolf, A.: Catalytic membrane reactors for partial oxidation using perovskite hollow fiber membranes and for partial hydrogenation using a catalytic membranecontactor, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (2007), 2286-2294
- Testu, A., Didierjean, S., Maillet, D., Moyne, C., Metzger, T., Niass, T. : Thermal dispersion for water or air flow through a bed of glass beads, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), 1469-1484
- Brzic, D., Ahchieva, D., Peglow, M., Heinrich, S.: An experiemental study of the partial oxidation of ethane to ethylene in a shallow fluidized bed reactor, J. Serb. Chem. Soc.,72 (2007), 183-192
- Caro, J., Caspary, K.J., Hamel, C., Hoting, B., Kölsch, P., Langanke, B., Nassauer, K., Noack, M., Schiestel, T., Schroeder, M., Byun, Y.C., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E., Wang, H., Werth, S.: Perowskit-Hohlfasermembranen für die katalytische Partialoxidation von Methan zu Synthesegas, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 79 (2007), 831-842
- Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Hampel, R., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S.: Towards a complete population balance model for fluidized-bed spray agglomeration,Drying Technol., 25 (2007), 1321-1329
- Tsotsas, E., Kwapinska, M., Saage, G.: Modeling of contact dryers, Drying Technol. 25 (2007), 1377-1391
- Hampel, R., Peglow, M., Kumar, J., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S.: Study of agglomeration kinetics in fluidized beds referring to the moisture content of particles, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (PBM), 18.-21. September 2007, Québec/Kanada
- Peglow, M., Cunäus, U., Kettner, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: A population balance approach for continuous fluidized bed dryers, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (PBM), 18.-21. September 2007, Québec/Kanada
- Avila-Acevedo, J.G., Tsotsas, E.: Transient natural convection in stored granular media, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 848
- Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Viscous stabilization of drying front: three-dimensional pore network simulations, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 1925
- Suherman, Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Drying kinetics of granular Nylon-6, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 1937
- Surasani, V.K., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: A non-isothermal pore network drying model: Influence of gravity, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 2131
- Peglow, M., Cunäus, U., Kettner, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: A population balance approach for continuous fluidized bed dryers, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 2215
- Hamel, C., Tóta, A., Klose, F., Tsotsas, E., Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Experimental and model based analysis of single und multi stage membrane reactors for the oxidation of short-chain hydrocarbons in a pilot scale, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 3386
- Hamel, C., Wang, H., Caro, J., Tsotsas, E., Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Simulation study of membrane supported oxidation of methane with simultaneous steam reforming using O2-selective Perowskite hollow fibres, Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 16.-20. September 2007, Copenhagen, No. 3412
- Peglow, M., Kettner, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Ein analytisches Populationsbilanzmodell für die kontinuierliche Wirbelschichttrocknung, Transactions of the Tambov Technical University, 13 (2007), 474-489
- Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Warnecke, G., Heinrich, S.: An efficient numerical technique for solving population balance equation involving aggregation, breakage, growth and nucleation, Powder Technol. 179 (2007), 205-228
- Hampel, R., Heinrich, S., Peglow, M., Mörl, L.: Modellierung und experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulation im überhitzten Wasserdampf, Chem.-Ing.-Techn., 79 (2007), 82-90
- Metzger, T., Irawan, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of pore structure on drying kinetics: a pore network study, AIChE J., 53 (2007), 3029-3041
- Kwapinska M., Saage, G., Tsotsas, E.: Continuous versus discrete modelling of heat transfer to agitated beds, Powder Technol. 181 (2008), 331-342
- Suherman, Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: On the applicability of normalization for drying kinetics, Drying Technol. 26 (2008), 90-96
- Avila-Acevedo, J. G., Tsotsas, E.: Transient natural convection and heat transfer during the storage of granular media, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51 (2008), 3468-3477
- Hamel, C., Tota, A., Klose, F., Tsotsas, E., Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Analysis of single and multi-stage membrane reactors for the oxidation of short-chain alkanes – Simulation study and pilot scale experiments, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 86 (2008), 753-764
- Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network models for drying, Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference on Energy-Saving Technologies for Drying and Hygro-Thermal Processing (DHTP), 16.-18. September 2008, Moskau, Vol. 1, 56-62
- Surasani, V., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of heating mode on drying behavior of capillary porous media: pore scale modelling, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63 (2008), 5218-5228
- Surasani, V., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Consideration of heat transfer in pore network modelling of convective drying, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (2008), 2506-2518
- Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Viscous stabilization of drying front: three-dimensional pore network simulations, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 86 (2008), 739-744
- Metzger, T., Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E.: Use of pore networks for macroscopic modelling of drying, Proceedings of the 16th International Drying Symposium, 9.-12. November 2008, Hyderabad, Vol. A, 242-249
- Surasani, V.K., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Drying simulations of various 3D pore structures by a non-isothermal pore network model, Proceedings of the 16th International Drying Symposium, 9.-12. November 2008, Hyderabad, Vol. A, 356-364
- Kharaghani, R., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Mechanical effects during isothermal drying: A new discrete modelling approach, Proceedings of the 16th International Drying Symposium, 9.-12. November 2008, Hyderabad, Vol. A, 440-448
- Cunäus, U., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Metzger, T.: Modelling of continuous fluidized bed drying using a population balance approach, Proceedings of the 16th International Drying Symposium, 9.-12. November 2008, Hyderabad, Vol. A, 456-462
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Monte-Carlo simulation of agglomerate growth in fluidized bed spray drying, Proceedings of the 16th International Drying Symposium, 9.-12. November 2008, Hyderabad, Vol. A, 493-500
- Hampel, R., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S.: Study of fluidized bed spray agglomeration focussing the moisture content of the solid, Proceedings of the 16th International Drying Symposium, 9.-12. November 2008, Hyderabad, Vol. B, 1052-1059
- Edreva, V., Zhang, F., Mangold, M., Tsotsas, E.: Mass transport in multilayer porous metallic membranes -- diagnosis, identification and validation, Chem. Eng. Technol., 32 (2009), 632-640
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic simulation of agglomerate formation in fluidized bed spray drying: A micro-scale approach, Chem. Eng. Sci., 64 (2009), 2631-2643
- Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete and continuous models to describe the kinetics of particle formation in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Drying Conference (NDC'09), Reykjavik/Island, 18.--19. Juni 2009
- Cunäus, U., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Metzger, T.: Modeling of continuous fluidized bed drying using a population balances approach, Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Drying Conference (NDC'09), Reykjavik/Island, 18.--19. Juni 2009
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Modelling of agglomerate grwoth in fluidized bed spray drying, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Agglomeration and 4th International Granulation Workshop, 24.--06. Juni 2009, Sheffield/UK
- Sommer, A., Heinrich, S., Antonyuk, S., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of process parameters on particle properties during fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Agglomeration and 4th International Granulation Workshop, 24.--06. Juni 2009, Sheffield/UK
- Weigler, F., Hoffmann, T., Naumann, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of temperature distributions in bulk materials, Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-7), Krakow/Polen, 28. Juni -- 3. Juli 2009, 2034-2046
- Iroba, K.L., Weigler, F., Mellmann, J., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Particle velocity profiles and residence time distribution in mixed-flow grain dryers, Proceedings of 6th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids (CHoPS) and 10th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling & Transportation (ICBMH) 3.--7. August 2009, Brisbane, Queensland/Australia, 79-84
- Kharagani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore-scale modeling of drying-induced cracks, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), 23.--27. August 2009, Montreal/Canada
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling of particle growth in fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), 23.--27. August 2009, Montreal/Canada
- Cunäus, U., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E, Metzger, T.: Modeling of continuous fluidized bed drying using a population balance approach, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), 23.--27. August 2009, Montreal/Canada
- Tsotsas, E.: Particle formulation by drying, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), 23.--27. August 2009, Montreal/Canada
- Dernedde, M., Hampel, R., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of agglomeration kinetics in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), 23.--27. August 2009, Montreal/Canada
- Tsotsas, E., Metzger, T., Peglow, M.: Models and tools for product engineering by drying, Proceedings of the 12th Polish Drying Symposium, 14.--16. September 2009, Lodz/Polen, 88-104
- Kirsch, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Towards a micro-scale simulation of convective gel drying, Proceedings of the 12th Polish Drying Symposium, 14.--16. September 2009, Lodz/Polen, 223-234
- Hussain, A., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of volumetric flow rate and temperature on mass transfer in composite ceramic membranes for membrane reactors, Canadian Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 3 (2009), 741-749
- Hussain, A., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E.: Effect of top layer´s material and flow direction on mass transfer through multi-layer ceramic membranes, Canadian Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 3 (2009), 993-1000
- Hussain, A., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of the multilayer nature of a composite membrane on mass transfer,
Journal of Porous Media, 12 (2009), 749-757 - Hussain, A., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Tsotsas, E.: General analysis of isobaric diffusion in composite ceramic membranes with inclusion of axial dispersion coefficient, Journal of Porous Media, 12 (2009), 955-966
- Surasani, V.K., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: A non-isothermal pore network drying model with gravity effect, Transp. Porous Med., 80 (2009), 431-439
- Mangold, M., Bück, A., Hanke-Rauschenbach, R.: Passivity based control of a distributed PEM fuel cell model, Journal of Process Control, 20 (2010), 292-313
- Martin, P., Hamel, C., Ordóňez, S., Diez, F.V., Tsotsas, E., Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Analysis of a fluidized bed membrane reactor for butane partial oxidation to maleic anhydride: 2D modeling, Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 (2010), 3538-3548
- Mellmann, J., Iroba, K.L., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: DEM-modelling of solids transport in mixed-flow dryers, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic modelling of fluidized bed spray drying: Effect of particle porosity and bed temperature on agglomeration kinetics, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Börner, M., Peglow, M., van Buijtenen, M.S., Deen,m N.G., Tsotsas, E., Kuipers, J.A.M., Heinrich, S.: Residence times in fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Fischer, C., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Fiber-optical inline measurement of particle size distributions in fluidized bed processes, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Dernedde, M., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Description of particle formation in fluized beds with a stochastic modelling method,
Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg - Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Kinetics of particle formation in fluidized beds: Modeling approaches and experimental methods, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Cunäus, U., Tsotsas, E., Peglow, M., Metzger, T.: Modelling of fluidized bed drying using population balance equations, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Hoffmann, T., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Dynamic behaviour of particle-size distribution in fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Model-based measurement of PSDs in granulation processes, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology, 26.-29. April 2010, Nürnberg
- Surasani, V., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Drying simulations of various 3D pore structures by a nonisothermal pore network model, Drying Technol., 28 (2010), 615-623
- Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Network models for capillary porous media: application to drying technology, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 82 (2010), 869-879
- Avila-Acevedo, J.G., Tsotsas, E.: Moisture migration in stored granular materials, Proceedings of “Porous media and its applications in science, engineering, and industry”, 3rd International Conference, 20.-25. Juni 2010, Montecatini/Italy, 313-318
- Vorhauer, N., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Drying of porous media: A comparison of discrete and continuous models, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of “Porous media and its applications in science, engineering, and industry”, 3rd International Conference, 20.-25. Juni 2010, Montecatini/Italy
- Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network modeling of mechanical effects during drying, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of “Porous media and its applications in science, engineering, and industry”, 3rd International Conference, 20.-25. Juni 2010, Montecatini/Italy
- Kirsch, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling and simulation of convective drying of gels, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of “Porous media and its applications in science, engineering, and industry”, 3rd International Conference, 20.-25. Juni 2010, Montecatini/Italy
- Weigler, F., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete investigation of thermal relaxation in packed beds, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of 14th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC14), 08.-13. August 2010, Washington/USA
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Mangold, M., Kienle, A.: Model-based measurement and control of particulate processes: an application to granulation processes, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2010) and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7), 28. August - 1. September 2010, Prag/Czech Republic
- Vorhauer, N., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Empirical macroscopic model for drying of porous media based on pore networks and scaling theory, Drying Technol. 28 (2010), 991-1000
- Kwapinski, W., Salem, K., Mewes, D., Tsotsas, E.: Thermal and flow effects during adsorption in conventional, diluted and annular packed beds, Chem. Eng. Sci., 68 (2010), 4250-4260
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Naumann, M., Tsotsas, E.: Mathematical modelling and simulation of drying of a droplet with suspended particles, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, 15.-17. September 2010, Berlin, 99-110
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Probabilistic modeling of particle formation in fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, 15.-17. September 2010, Berlin, 99-110
- Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: An irregular pore network model for convective drying of aggregates capillary and micro-mechanical effects, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 132-140
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental and theoretical investigation of drying effects on fluidized bed wet agglomeration, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 318-324
- Weigler, F., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Advances in discrete modeling of heat transfer in contact drying equipment, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 325-330
- Kirsch, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Micro-scale model for drying of highly porous particle aggregates, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 407-414
- Vorhauer, N., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Extraction of effective parameters for continuous drying model from discrete pore network model, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 415-422
- Cunäus, U., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Application of population balance equations for continuous fluidized bed drying, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 499-505
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Mangold, M., Kienle, A.: Model-based measurement and control of granulation processes, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 659-665
- Hoffmann, T., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of process dynamics in fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 666-671
- Fischer, C., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Fibre-optical inline measurements of particle size distributions in fluidized bed processes, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 672-679
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E: Stochastic modeling of fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 1120-1127
- Börner, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Particle residence times in fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 1128-1134
- Naumann, M., Tsotsas, E., Peglow, M., Bück, A., Marchisio, D. L.: Modeling of particle formation from a single droplet containing micro or nano particles, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 1172-1177
- Mellmann, J., Iroba, K. L., Möller, B., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Moisture content and residence time distributions in mixed-flow grain dryers, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium (IDS2010), 3.-6. Oktober 2010, Magdeburg, 1995-2002
- Hoffmann, T., Hailu, B. A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Jacob, M.: Particle-gas mass transfer in a spouted bed with adjustable air inlet,
Drying Technol., 29 (2011), 257-265 - Iroba, K.L., Mellmann, J., Weigler, F., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Particle velocity profiles and residence time distribution in mixed-flow grain dryers, Granular Matter, 13 (2011), 159-168
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Mangold, M., Kienle, A.: Model-based measurement of particle size distributions in layering granulation processes, AIChE J., 57 (2011), 929-941
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastische Modellierung der Partikelbildung in Wirbelschichten, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 83 (2011), 665-671
- Hoffmann, T., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Prozessdynamik der Wirbelschichtgranulierung, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 83 (2011), 658-664
- Peglow, M., Cunäus, U., Tsotsas, E.: An analytical solution population balance equations for continuous fluidized bed drying, Chem. Eng. Sci., 66 (2011), 1916-1922
- Börner, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Particle residence times in fluidized bed granulation equipments, Chem. Eng. Technol., 34 (2011), 1116-1122
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic modelling of fluidized bed granulation: Influence of droplet pre-drying, Chem. Eng. Technol.; 34 (2011), 1172-1176
- Tsotsas, E.: Food drying as a challenge between process efficiency and product quality, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF11), 22.-26. Mai 2011, Athens/Greece, Paper No. FPD1204
- Chávez-Montes, E., Peglow, M., Hampel, R., Mariano, J., Filliol, C., Gumy, J.-C.: An eye from industry on recent advances in fluid bed agglomeration of beverage powders, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF11), 22.-26. Mai 2011, Athens/Greece, Paper No. FPE298
- Kharaghani, R., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: A proposal for discrete modeling of mechanical effects during drying, combining pore networks with DEM, AIChE J., 57 (2011), 872-885
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Model-based measurement and control of fluidised bed layering granulation processes, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 28
- Ivanova, N., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Continuous pellet coating for the pharmaceutical industry, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 33
- Wassermann, M., Weinholz, S., Ivanova, N., Cordes, C., Peglow, M., Pergande, W.: Granulation of lactic acid bacteria using fluidized bed technology, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 64
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Simulation of fluidized bed spray agglomeration focussing on the pre-drying of droplets, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 79
- Hoffmann, T., Bachmann, P., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of growth kinetics in fluidised bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 80
- Börner, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Application of experimental parameters in an extended PBM of a Wurster fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 81
- Naumann, M., Peglow, M., Bück, A., Marchisio, D., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling of particle formation from a single nano suspension droplet, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 84
- Cháves-Montes, E., Peglow, M., Hampel, R., Mariano, J., Filliol, C., Gumy, J.-C.: Recent advances in fluid bed agglomeration of beverage powders, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 114
- Fischer, C., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Simulation of in-line particle sizing techniques during agglomeration processes, Proceedings of the 5th International Granulation Workshop, 20.-22. Juni 2011, Lausanne/Schweiz, Paper No. 116
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Kinetics of fluidized bed spray agglomeration for compact and porous particles, Chem. Eng. Sci., 66 (2011), 1866-1878
- Peglow, M., Dernedde, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic simulation of fluidized bed agglomeration, Proceedings of the 5th Nordic Drying Conference, 19.-21. Juni 2011, Helsinki/Finnland
- Iroba, K.L., Weigler, F., Mellmann, J., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Residence time distribution in mixed-flow grain dryers, Drying Technol., 29 (2011), 1252-1266
- Fischer, C., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Restoration of particle size distribution from fiber-optical in-line measurements in fluidized bed processes, Chem. Eng. Sci., 66 (2011), 2842-2852
- Wang, Y., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network drying model for particle aggregates: Assessment by x-ray microtomography, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC2011), 18.-20. September, Tianjin/China
- Kharaghani, A., Wang, Y., Kirsch, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Drying of highly porous particle aggregates: Pore-scale simulation and x-ray microtomography, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC2011), 18.-20. September, Tianjin/China
- Terrazas-Velarde, K., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of the kinetics of fluidized bed spray agglomeration based on stochastic methods, AIChE J., 57 (2011), 3012-3026
- Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Three-dimensional micro-scale model for convective gel drying,
Proceedings of the 11th AIChE Annual Meeting, 16.-21. Oktober 2011, Minneapolis/USA - Vorhauer, N., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: On the influence of temperature gradients on drying of pore networks, Proceedings of the 3rd European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2011), 26.-28. Oktober 2011, Palma de Mallorca/Spanien
- Tsotsas, E.: On the combination of particle formation and drying kinetics, Proceedings of the 3rd European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2011), 26.-28. Oktober 2011, Palma de Mallorca/Spanien
- Wang, Y., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Visualization of liquid in drying particle aggregates by x-ray microtomography and use of pore-scale modelling, Proceedings of the 3rd European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2011), 26.-28. Oktober 2011, Palma de Mallorca/Spanien
- Surasani, V.K., Kretschmer, F., Heidecke, P., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Biomass combustion in a fluidized-bed system: An integrated model for dynamic plant simulations, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50 (2011), 9936-9943
- Mellmann, J., Iroba, K.L., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E., Farkas, I.: Moisture content and residence time distributions in mixed-flow grain dryers, Biosystems Engng., 109 (2011), 297-307
- Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: An irregular pore network model for convective drying and resulting damage of particle aggregates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 75 (2012), 267-278
- Vorhauer, N., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Experimental investigation of drying by pore networks: Influence of pore size distribution and temperature, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering ICPM4, 17.-22. Juni 2012, Potsdam
- Sun, Y., Kharaghani A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E., Müller, J..: Investigation of lotion distribution in wet wipes by pore network model and micro computed tomography, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering ICPM4, 17.-22. Juni 2012, Potsdam
- Bück, A., Klaunick, G., Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Numerical simulation of particulate processes for control and estimation by spectral methods, AIChE J., 58 (2012), 2309-2319
- Palis, S., Bück, A., Kienle, A.: Low order controller design for continuous fluidized bed spray granulation with internal product classification by robust control methods, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, 20.-22. Juni 2012, Aalborg/Denmark
- Tsotsas, E.: Influence of drying kinetics on particle formation: A personal perspective, Drying Technol., 30 (2012), 1167-1175
- Prat, M., Veran-Tissoires, S., Vorhauer, N., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Fractal phase distribution and drying: Impact on two-phase zone scaling and drying time scale dependence, Drying Technol., 30 (2012), 1129-1135
- Tsotsas, E., Pakowski, Z., Kudra, T., Devahastin, S.: Guest editorial: Special issue to commemorate 30 years of Drying Technology, Drying Technol., 30 (2012), 1125-1126
- Dadkhah, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Characterization of the internal morphology of agglomerates produced in a spray fluidized bed by X-ray tomography, Powder Technol., 228 (2012), 349-358
- Narni, N.R., Warnecke, G., Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Heinrich, S.: Some modelling aspects of aggregation kernels and the Aggregation Population Balance Equations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS), 9.-11. August 2012, Cochin, Kerala/Indien, 319-326
- Dadkhah, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Morphological characterization of spray fluidized bed agglomerates by using X-ray m-computed tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro composite structures, 18.-20. Juni 2012, Torino/Italy
- Mezhericher, M., Naumann, M., Peglow, M., Levy, A., Tsotsas, E., Borde, I.: Continuous species transport and population balance models for first drying stage of nanosuspension droplets, Chem. Eng. J., 210 (2012), 120-135
- Wang, Y., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network drying model for particle aggregates: Assessment by X-ray microtomography, Drying Technol., 30 (2012), 1800-1809
- Hoffmann, T., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of process parameters on the particle surface structure in fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Hampel, N., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Continuous pellet coating in a Wurster fluidized bed process, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of wetting properties on drying behavior of highly porous particle aggregates, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Sun, Y., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling droplet evolution on a porous particle as micro-scale process in fluidized bed spray drying, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Wang, Y., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Pore-scale comparison of liquid distributions between pore network drying simulations and X-ray tomography, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Dadkhah, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Morphological characterization of fluidized bed spray drying agglomerates by X-ray tomography, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic modeling of fluid bed agglomeration: Determination of particle moisture content, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Hussain, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling the effect of process parameters in aggregation kernel of PBE using Monte-Carlo simulations, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Kharaghani, A., Anyamene, D., Tsotsas, E.: Direct imaging of convective drying process for single and dual cells of two-dimensional particle packings, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Bachmann, P., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Population balance modelling of moisture content distributions in semi-batch fluidized bed drying, Proceedings of the 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS2012), 11.-15. November 2012, Xiamen/China
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, E. Tsotsas, E.: A novel, structure-tracking monte carlo algorithm for spray fluidized bed agglomeration, AIChE J., 58 (2012), 3016-3029
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Naumann, M., Tsotsas, E.: Population balance model for drying of droplets containing aggregating nanoparticles, AIChE J., 58 (2012), 3318-3328
- Hampel, N., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Continuous pellet coating in a Wurster fluidized bed process, Chem. Eng. Sci., 86 (2013), 87-98
- Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Micro-scale fluid model for drying of highly porous particle aggregates, Comp. Chem. Eng., 52 (2013), 46-54
- Börner, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Atomization characteristic into a top-spray fluidised bed obtained by an experimental and DEM-CFD approach, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 23.-25. April 2013, Nürnberg
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic modelling of fluidised bed spray agglomeration focussing on the structure of particles, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 23.- 25. April 2013, Nürnberg
- Hoffmann, T., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Particle formation in fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 23.-25. April 2013, Nürnberg
- Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Control of particle properties in fluidised bed granulation processes, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 23.-25. April 2013, Nürnberg
- Kretschmer, F., Lemin, B., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Kinetic analysis of biomass combustion in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 23.-25. April 2013, Nürnberg
- Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete three-dimensional model for drying particle aggregates, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 23.-25. April 2013, Nürnberg
- Vorhauer, N., Tran, Q. T., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Experimental investigation of drying in a model porous medium: Influence of thermal gradients, Drying Technol., 31 (2013), 920-929
- Börner, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Derivation of parameters for a two compartment population balance model of Wurster fluidised bed granulation, Powder Technol., 238 (2013), 122-131
- Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Simulating the spray fluidized bed granulation by modelling the aggregation efficiency, Proceedings of the 6th International Granulation Conference, 26.-28. Juni 2013, Sheffield/UK
- Bück, A., Palis, S., Tsotsas, E.: Based control of particle properties in fluidised bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 6th International Granulation Conference, 26.-28. Juni 2013, Sheffield/UK
- Dadkhah, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of process variables on particle morphology in spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Proceedings of the 6th International Granulation Conference, 26.-28. Juni 2013, Sheffield/UK
- Börner, M., Tsotsas, E.: Spray zone demarcation in top-spray fluidised bed granulation by droplet detection methods, Proceedings of the 6th International Granulation Conference, 26.-28. Juni 2013, Sheffield/UK
- Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling spray fluidized bed aggregation kinetics on the basis of Monte-Carlo simulation results, Chem. Eng. Sci., 101 (2013), 35-45
- Nagaiah, C., Kumar, N.S., Bück, A., Warnecke, G.: Parallel and high resolution numerical solution of concentration and temperature distribution in fluidized beds, Comp. Chem. Eng., 52 (2013), 122-133
- Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Population balance modeling of influencing parameters in spray fluidized bed granulation, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modeling, 11.-13. September 2013, Bangalore/Indien
- Bück, A., Hampel, N., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Product control in pharmaceutical coating by population balance modelling, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modeling, 11.-13. September 2013, Bangalore/Indien
- Wang, Y.J., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Pore-scale visualization and simulation of liquid films for drying particle packing, Proceedings of EuroDrying 2013, 02.-04. Oktober 2013, Paris/Frankreich
- Scaar, H., Franke, G., Weigler, F., Delele, M., Tsotsas, E., Mellmann, J.: Experimental study of the airflow distribution during mixed-flow grain drying, Proceedings of EuroDrying 2013, 02.-04. Oktober 2013, Paris/Frankreich
- Gadiel, C., Meininghaus, R., Quoll, M., Tsotsas, E.: Emissionen von Automobillackieranlagen – Ökobilanzielle Betrachtung der thermischen Nachverbrennung im Unterbodenschutz, Chem.-Ing.-Techn., 85 (2013), 1632-1637
- Dernedde, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E: Stochastic modeling of fluidized bed agglomeration: Determination of particle moisture content,
Drying Technol., 31 (2013), 1764-1771 - Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: On two-compartment population balance modelling of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Comp. Chem. Eng., 61 (2014), 185-202
- Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modellbasierte Regelung der Partikelgrößenverteilung in der kontinuierlichen Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulation,
Chem.-Ing.-Techn., 86 (2014), 725-733 - Hagemeier, T., Glöckner, H., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D., Tomas, J.: Simulation of multi-stage particle classification in a zig-zag apparatus,
Chem. Eng. Technol., 37 (2014), 879-887 - Hussain, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E., Kumar, J.: Modeling of aggregation kernel using Monte Carlo simulations of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, AIChE J., 60 (2014), 855-868
- Dadkhah, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of process variables on internal particle structure in spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Powder Technol., 258 (2014), 165-173
- Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Dynamic modelling of particle formulation in horizontal fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 24, 15.-18. Juni 2014, Budapest/Ungarn
- Narni, N.R., Peglow, M., Warnecke, G., Kumar, J., Heinrich, S., Kuipers, J.A.M.: Modeling of aggregation kernels for fluidized beds using discrete particle model simulations, Particuology 13 (2014), 134-144
- Tsotsas, E.: Multi-scale approaches to processes that combine drying with particle formation, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Wang, Y., Mahmood, H.T., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Visualization and modeling of liquid film rings observed during drying of particle packings, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Scaar, H., Weigler, F., Delele, M., Franke, G., Mellmann, J., Tsotsas, E.: Numerical modeling of mixed flow grain drying with CFD and DEM, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Rahimi, A., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network simulations to determine the influence of pore structure on wetting-drying kinetics of porous particles, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Isothermal drying in the presence of capillary liquid films: Comparison of experiments with pore network simulations in a model system, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Tran, T.T.H., Terrazas-Velarde, K., Avila-Acevedo, J., Tsotsas, E.: Particle morphology as a means for investigating single droplet drying of dairy products, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of continuous fluidized bed spray granulation with internal classification,
Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich - Hoffmann, T., Schmidt, M., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of drying conditions on the product quality during continuous fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Dadkhah, M., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Analysis of the influence of drying rate on spatial morphology of agglomerates, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Multi-zone model for layering granulation in horizontal fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Monte Carlo modelling of particle coating in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Sondej, F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental analysis of the micro-structure of single particles and micro-droplets, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Bachmann, P., Tsotsas, E.: Minimization of particle dispersion in a continuous horizontal fluidized bed, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Casciatori, F.P., Bück, A., Thomeo, J.C., Tsotsas, E.: Two-phase model describing heat and water transfer during solid-state fermentation within a packed bed bioreactor, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Calin-Sanchez, A., Kharaghani, A., Lech, K., Figiel, A., Carbonell-Barrachina, A.A., Tsotsas, E.: Physical and sensory properties of chokeberry fruits dried with different methods, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Hagemeier, T., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Characterization of particle dynamics in fluidized beds by means of particle tracking velocimetry, Proceedings of the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon/Frankreich
- Casciatori, F.P., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Thoméo, J.: Coefficientes de interface para transferência de calor e água em bioreatores de fermentacão sólida, Proceedings of the XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 19.-22. Oktober 2014, Florianopolis/Brasilien
- Börner, M., Hagemeier, T., Ganzer, G., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental spray zone characterization in top-spray fluidized bed granulation, Chem. Eng. Sci., 116 (2014), 317-330
- Dadkhah, M., Tsotsas, E.: Study of the morphology of solidified binder in spray fluidized bed agglomerate by X-ray tomography, Powder Technol., 264 (2014), 256-264
- Rieck, C., Hoffmann, T., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of drying conditions on layer in fluidized bed spray granulation, Powder Technol., 272 (2015), 120-131
- Bück, A., Palis, S., Tsotsas, E.: Model-based control of particle properties in fluidized bed spray granulation, Powder Technol., 270 (2015), 575-583
- Ashraf, A., Börner, M., Peglow, M., Janiga, G., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., Thévenin, D.: Coupled computational fluid dynamics - discrete element method simulations of a pilot-scale batch crystallizer, Cryt. Growth Des., 15 (2015), 145-155
- Calin-Sanchez, A., Kharaghani, A., Lech, K., Figiel, A., Carbonell-Barrachina, A., Tsotsas, E.: Drying kinetics and microstructural and sensory properties of black chokeberry (aronia melanocarpa) as affected by drying method, Food Bioprocess Technol., 8 (2015), 63-74
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of process stability of continuous spray fluidized bed layering with internal separation, Chem. Eng. Sci., 126 (2015), 55-66
- Sondej, F., Bück, A., Koslowsky, K., Bachmann, P., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of coating layer morphology by micro-computed X-ray tomography, Powder Technol., 273 (2015), 165-175
- Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling aggregation kinetics of fluidized bed spray agglomeration for porous particles, Powder Technol., 270 (2015), 584-591
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling of layering growth processes using a Monte Carlo Approach, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2015), 18. Februar - 20. Februar 2015, Wien
- Mehakpreet, S., Kumar, J., Bück, A.: A volume conserving discrete formulation of aggregation population balance equations on non-uniform meshes, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2015), 18. Februar - 20. Februar 2015, Wien
- Sun, Y., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Müller, J., Tsotsas, E.: Lotion distribution in wet wipes investigated by pore network simulation and X-ray micro tomography, Transp. Porous Med., 107 (2015), 449-468
- Hagemeier, T., Börner, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: A comparative study on optical techniques for the estimation of granular flow velocities, Chem. Eng. Sci., 131 (2015), 63-75
- Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Tsotsas, E.: A new framework for population balance modeling of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Particuology, 19 (2015), 141-154
- Bück, A., Casciatori, F.P., Thoméo, J.C., Tsotsas, E.: Model-based control of enzyme yield in solid state fermentation, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 362-371
- Hoffmann, T., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of granule porosity during fluidized bed spray granulation, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 458-467
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of the continuous fluidized bed spray granulation with internal classification, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 565-574
- Bachmann, P., Tsotsas, E.: Analysis of RTD data of a horizontal fluidized bed, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 790-798
- Hagemeier, T., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Estimation of particle rotation in fluidized beds by means of PTV, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 841-849
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic modelling of particle coating in fluidized beds, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 996-1005
- Hussain, M., Kumar, J., Tsotsas, E.: A new approach in population balance modeling of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 1399-1407
- Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Dynamic multi-zone population balance model of particle formulation in fluidized bed, Proc. Eng. 102 (2015), 1456-1465
- Jaskulski, M., Tran, T.T.H., Avila-Acevedo, J.G., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental determination of dring kinetics of skim-milk suspended droplet, Proceedings of the Nordic Baltic Drying Conference (NBDC 2015), 17.-19. Juni 2015, Gdańsk/Polen
- Tran, T.T.H., Jaskulski, M., Peglow, M., Avila-Acevedo, J.G., Tsotsas, E.: A new validated model for single droplet drying process, Proceedings of the Nordic Baltic Drying Conference (NBDC 2015), 17.-19. Juni 2015, Gdańsk/Polen
- Rahimi, A., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network model for drying of salt solutions: Solute migration and crystallization, Proceedings of the Nordic Baltic Drying Conference (NBDC 2015), 17.-19. Juni 2015, Gdańsk/Polen
- Hagemeier, H., Jiang, Z., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete analysis of particle collision behavior in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Sondej, F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental analysis of the microstructure of single particles, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Saha, J., Kumar., J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Finite volume approximations of population balance equations, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Pashminehazar, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Micro-structure of maltodextrin agglomerates produced by fluidized bed, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Bück, A., Neugebauer, C., Meyer, K., Palis, S., Diez, E. Kienle, A., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of nozzle configuration on process stability of continuous fluidized bed layering with external classification, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Mielke, L., Hoffmann,T., Peglow, M., Henneberg, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Reduction of energy consumption in batch fluidized bed layering granulation processes by temporal separation, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Stochastic modeling of layering growth processes in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 7th International Granulation Workshop, 1.-3. Juli 2015, Sheffield/England
- Schmidt, M., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of process stability of continuous spray fluidized bed layering with external product separation, Chem. Eng. Sci., 137 (2015), 466-475
- Kumar, J., Saha, J., Tsotsas, E.: Development and convergence analysis of a finite volume scheme for solving breakage equation,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 53-4 (2015), 1672-1689 - Hagemeier, T., Roloff, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Estimation of particle dynamics in 2-D fluidized beds using particle tracking velocimetry,
Particuology, 22 (2015), 39-51 - Khalloufi, S., Kharaghani, A., Almeida-Rivera, C., Nijsse, J., v. Dalen, G., Tsotsas, E.: Monitoring of initial porosity and new pores formation during drying: A scientific debate and a technical challenge, Trends in Food Sci. Technol., 45 (2015), 179-186
- Idakiev, V., Marx, S., Roßau, A., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Inductive heating of fluidized beds: Influence on fluidization behavior,
Powder Technol., 286 (2015), 90-97 - Hoffmann, T., Rieck, C., Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Peglow, M., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of shell porosities in continuous fluidized bed spray layering, Drying Technol., 33 (2015), 1662-1670
- Vorhauer, N., Wang, Y.J., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Drying with formation of capillary rings in a model porous media, Transp. Porous Med., 110 (2015), 197-223
- Rahimi, A., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network simulations of salt crystalization in drying porous media, Proceedings of the 5th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2015), 21.-23. Oktober 2015, Budapest/Hungary
- Le, K.H., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network simulation of heat and mass transfer in superheated steam drying, Proceedings of the 5th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2015), 21.-23. Oktober 2015, Budapest/Hungary
- Jaskulski, M., Tran, T.T.H., Avila-Acevedo, J.G., Tsotsas; E.: An advanced modeling and experimental validation of single droplets drying process, Proceedings of the 29th EFFoST Conference, 10.-12. November 2015, Athens, Greece
- Tsotsas, E.: Multiscale approaches to processes that combine drying with particle formation, Drying Technol., 33 (2015), 1859-1871
- Dreyschultze, C., Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S., Kienle, A.: Influence of zone formation on stability of continuous fluidized bed layering granulation with external product classification, Particuology, 23 (2015), 1-7
- Mirdrikvand, M., Imani Moqadam, S., Kharaghani, A., Roozbehani, B., Jadidi, N.: Optimization of a pilot-scale amine scrubber to remove SO2: higher selectivity and lower solvent consumption, Chem. Eng. Technol., 39 (2015), 246-254
- Imani Moqadam, S., Mirdrikvand, M., Roozbehani, B., Kharaghani, A., Shishehsaz, M.R.: Polystyrene pyrolysis using silica-alumina catalyst in fluidized bed reactor, Clean Techn. Environ. Policy, 17 (2015), 1847-1860
- Wu, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Two-phase flow with capillary valve effect in porous media, Chem. Eng. Sci., 139 (2016), 241-248
- Zarekar, S., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: Reconsideration of the hydrodynamic behavior of fluidized beds operated under reduced pressure, Powder Technol., 287 (2016), 169-176
- Sondej, F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Comparative analysis of the coating thickness on single particles using X-ray micro-computed tomography and confocal laser-scanning microscopy, Powder Technol., 287 (2016), 330-340
- Casciatori, F.P., Bück, A., Thoméo, J., Tsotsas, E.: Two phase and two-dimensional model describing heat and water transfer during solid-state fermentation within a packed-bed bioreactor, Chem. Eng. J., 287 (2016), 103-116
- Scaar, H., Franke, G., Weigler, F., Delele, M., Tsotsas, E., Mellmann, J.: Experimental and numerical study of the airflow distribution in mixed-flow grain dryers, Drying Technol., 34 (2016), 595-607
- Pashminehazar, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Development of 3D morphological descriptors for agglomerates with complex structures, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, 9.-12. Februar 2016, Wels, Österreich
- Sondej, F., Rieck, C., Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Use of X-ray micro-computed tomography in pharmaceuticals and food industry, Proceedings of the Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, 9.-12. Februar 2016, Wels, Österreich
- Wu, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Capillary valve effect during slow drying of porous media, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 94 (2016), 81-86
- Le, K.H., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network simulations of superheated steam drying, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Pashminehazar, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of process conditions on the morphology of maltodextrin agglomerates investigated by 3D X-ray images, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Bück, A., Schmidt, M., Tsotsas, E.: Process control of continuous fluidised bed layering with internal product classification by MPC, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Zarekar, S., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: CFD simulation of the hydrodynamics of fluidized beds operated under reduced pressure,
Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg - Palis, S., Neugebauer, C., Bück, A., Heinrich , S., Tsotsas , E., Kienle, A.: Control of multi-chamber continuous fluidized bed spray granulation, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Sondej, F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of the microstructure of single particles using μ-computed tomography and confocal microscopy, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Mielke, L., Hoffmann, T., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Henneberg, M., Peglow, M.: Process intensification of batch fluidized bed layering granulation processes by temporal separation of sub-processes, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Spray fluidized bed agglomeration of amorphous food powders, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Jiang, Z., Hagemeier, T., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Particle dynamics and mixing behavior in a poly-disperse gas-solid fluidized bed by color-PTV measurements, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 19.-21. April 2016, Nürnberg
- Idiakiev, V., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Modellbasierte Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs in einer induktiv beheizten Wirbelschicht, Chem.-Ing.-Techn., 88 (2016), 656-665
- Sun, Y., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Micro-model experiments and pore network simulations of liquid imbibition in porous media,
Chem. Eng. Sci., 150 (2016), 41-53 - Kumar, J., Kaur, G., Tsotsas, E.: An accurate and efficient discrete formulation of aggregation population balance equation, Kinetic and Related Models, 9 (2016), 373-391
- Rahimi, A., Metzger, T., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Interaction of droplets with porous structures: Pore network simulation of wetting and drying, Drying Technol., 34 (2016), 1129-1140
- Singh, M., Kumar, J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: A volume-consistent discrete formulation of aggregation population balance equations,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 39 (2016), 2275-2286 - Saha, J., Kumar, J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Finite volume approximations of breakage population balance equation, Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 110 (2016), 114-122
- Rieck, C., Bück, A.: Mathematische Modellierung der Partikelformulierung in Trommelgranulatoren, Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 88 (2016), 841-849
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Monte Carlo modeling of fluidized bed coating and layering processes, AIChE J., 62 (2016), 2670-2680
- Tran, T.T.H., Avila-Acevedo, J.G., Tsotsas, E.: Enhanced methods for experimental investigation of single droplet drying kinetics and application to lactose/water, Drying Technol., 34 (2016), 1185-1195
- Mielke, L., Hoffmann, T., Henneberg, M., Peglow, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Reduction of energy consumption in batch fluidized bed layering granulation processes by temporal separation, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 110 (2016), 2-11
- Singh, M., Kumar, J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: An improved and efficient finite volume scheme for bivariate aggregation population balance equation, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 308 (2016), 83-97
- Bück, A., Dürr, R., Schmidt, M., Tsotsas, E.: Model predictive control of continuous layering granulation in fluidised beds with internal product classification, Journal of Process Control, 45 (2016), 65-75
- Idakiev, V., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Modellbasierte Berechnung des Benetzungsgrades in einer zylindrischen Wirbelschicht mit Flüssigkeitseindüsung, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 88 (2016), 1109-1118
- Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Bück, A., Diez, E., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Influence of mill characteristics on stability of continuous layering, granulation with external product classification, Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE, 12.-15. Juni 2016, Portorož/Slovenia
- Bück, A, Wegner, M., Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Tsotsas, E.: Bifurcation analysis of process stability of continuous fluidized bed agglomeration with external product classification, Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE, 12.-15. Juni 2016, Portorož/Slovenia
- Bück, A., Neugebauer, C., Meyer, K., Palis, S., Diez, E., Kienle, A., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of operation parameters on process stability in continuous fluidised bed layering with external product classification, Powder Technol., 300 (2016), 37-45
- Moghaddam, A.A., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Equivalence of the one-dimensional moisture diffusion model and the three-dimensional pore network drying model, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Zarekar, S., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: Model for drying and inactivation of baker’s yeast particles in fluidized beds operated under reduced pressure, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Le, K.H., Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete pore network modeling of superheated steam drying, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Rahimi, A., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network modelling of a salt solution droplet on a porous substrate: Imbibition, evaporation and crystallization, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Jiang, Z., Bück, A., Hagemeier, T., Tsotsas, E.: CFD-DEM study of residence time and collision velocity in a binary Wurster fluidized bed, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Tran, T.T.H., Jaskulski, M., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Reduction of a model for single droplet drying and application for CFD spray drying simulation, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Monte-Carlo modeling of binder-less agglomeration in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Müller, D., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modelling of continuous spray-coating in fluidized bed with a vertical tube air classifier, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Idakiev, V., Mielke, L., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Applications of inductive energy input in fluidized beds, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Hoffmann, T., Mielke, L., Henneberg, M., Peglow, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Energy saving potential in batch fluidized bed granulation process by temporal separation of sub-processes, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Bück, A., Dürr, R., Vorhauer, N., Friese, L., Tsotsas, E.: Feedback control of microwave drying of solids, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Chen, K., Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: A model-based investigation of particle drying process in multi-stage fluidized bed, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Shamaei, S., Seiiedlou, S.S., Aghbashlo, M., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Optimization of the walnut oil microencapsulation process using the response surface methodology, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of drying conditions in spray fluidized bed agglomeration behavior of amorphous food powders, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Vorhauer, N., Rahimi, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Non-isothermal drying of thin porous disks, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Zarekar, S., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: CFD simulation of spray dynamics in a fluidized bed operated under reduced pressure, Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Jaskulski, M., Meyer, K., Tsotsas, E.: How do thermal effects influence granule properties in a horizontal fluidized bed? Proceedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS2016), 7.-10. August 2016, Gifu/Japan
- Pashminehazar, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Three dimensional characterization of morphology and internal structure of soft material agglomerates produced in spray fluidized bed by X-ray tomography, Powder Technol., 300 (2016), 46-60
- Bachmann, P., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of the residence time behavior of particulate products and correlation for the Bodenstein number in horizontal fluidized beds, Powder Technol., 301 (2016), 1067-1076
- Idakiev, V., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Inductive heating of a cylindrical fluidized bed, J. Chem. Technol. Metall., 51 (2016), 627-638
- Le, K.H., Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network simulations of heat and mass transfer inside an unsaturated capillary porous wick in the dry-out regime, Transp. Porous Med., 114 (2016), 623-648
- Shamaei, S., Kharaghani, A., Seiiedlou, S.S., Aghbashlo, M., Sondej, F., Tsotsas, E.: Drying behavior and locking point of single droplets containing functional oil, Adv. Powder Techn., 27 (2016), 1750-1760
- Börnhorst, M., Walzel, P., Rahimi, A., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Nestle, N., Besser, A., Kleine Jäger, F., Metzger, T.: Influence of pore structure and impregnation-drying conditions on the solid distribution in porous support materials, Drying Technol., 34 (2016), 1964-1974
- Mirdrikvand, M., Imani, M.S., Kharaghani, A., Roozbehani, B.: Optimization of a pilot-scale amine scrubber to remove SO2: Higher selectivity and lower solvent consumption, Chem. Eng. Techn., 39 (2016), 246-254
- Idakiev, V., Lazarova, P., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Inductive heating of fluidized beds: Drying of particulate solids, Powder Technol., 306 (2017), 26-33
- Farid, M.U., Bück, A., Heineken, Gohla, M., Zobel, N.: Study on nozzle design for combustion of solid materials with low melting points,
Appl. Thermal. Eng., 115 (2017), 832-859 - Bachmann, P., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation and correlation of the Bodenstein number in horizontal fluidized beds with internal baffles, Powder Technol., 308 (2017), 378-387
- Börner, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: DEM-CFD investigation of particle residence time distribution in top-spray fluidized bed granulation,
Chem. Eng. Sci., 161 (2017), 187-197 - Tran, T.T.H., Jaskulski, Avila-Acevedo, J., Tsotsas, E.: Model parameters for single-droplet drying of skim milk and its constituents at moderate and elevated temperatures, Drying Technol., 35 (2017), 444-464
- Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S., Kienle, A.: A dynamic two-zone model of continuous fluidized bed layering granulation with internal product classification, Particuology, 31 (2017), 8-14
- Tada, E.F.R., Bück, A., Casciatori, F.P., Tsotsas, E., Toméo, J.C.: Investigation of heat transfer in partially filled horizontal drums,
Chem. Eng. J., 316 (2017), 988-1003 - Moghaddam, A., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Kinematics in a slowly drying porous medium: Reconciliation of pore network simulations and continuum modeling, Physics of Fluids, 29 (2017), 022102
- Shamaei, S., Seiiedlou, S.S., Aghbashlo, M., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Microencapsulation of walnut oil by spray drying: Effects of wall material and drying conditions on physicochemical properties of microcapsules, Innovative Food Sci. Emerg. Technol., 39 (2017), 101-112
- Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of particle exchange rates at over-flow weirs in horizontal fluidized beds by particle tracking velocimetry, Particuology, 32 (2017), 1-9
- Jiang, Z., Hagemeier, T., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental measurements of particle collision dynamics in a pseudo-2D gas-solid fluidized bed, Chem. Eng. Sci., 167 (2017), 297-316
- Idakiev, V., Graner, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Wärmeübergangsuntersuchungen in einer induktiv beheizten Wirbelschicht mit heterogener Schichtzusammensetzung, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 89 (2017), 772-784
- Vorhauer, N., Mirsadraee, N., Tretau, A., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Combined convective and microwave drying of wet clay, Proceedings of the Nordic Baltic Drying Conference (NBDC2017) 7.-9. Juni 2017, Hamburg
- Idakiev, V., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Inductive energy input in fluidized beds and its applications, Proceedings of the Nordic Baltic Drying Conference (NBDC2017) 7.-9. Juni 2017, Hamburg
- Moghaddam, A.A., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Insights into the velocity field in a slowly drying capillary porous medium, Proceedings of the 6th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2017), 19.-21. Juni 2017, Liège/Belgien
- Vorhauer, N., Ahmad, F., Tretau, A., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Pore scale investigation of drying under periodic temperature variation, Proceedings of the 6th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2017), 19.-21. Juni 2017, Liège/Belgien
- Le, K.H., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Impact of heating modes on the behavior of superheated steam drying in capillary porous media, Proceedings of the 6th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2017), 19.-21. Juni 2017, Liège/Belgien
- Mielke, L., Hoffmann, T., Peglow, M., Henneberg, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Energy efficiency and scale-up of fluidized bed coating processes with temporal separation of layering and particle drying, Proceedings of the 8th International Granulation Workshop, 28.-30. Juni 2017, Sheffield/England
- Jiang, Z., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Estimation of coefficient of restitution of irregular shaped particles on horizontal substrates, Proceedings of the 8th International Granulation Workshop, 28.-30. Juni 2017, Sheffield/England
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of contact liquid dispersion on fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Proceedings of the 8th International Granulation Workshop, 28.-30. Juni 2017, Sheffield/England
- Müller, D., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modelling of one-stage continuous fluidized bed spray-coating, Proceedings of the 8th International Granulation Workshop, 28.-30. Juni 2017, Sheffield/England
- Wu, R., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Convective drying in thin hydrophobic porous media, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 112 (2017), 630-642
- Hiep, K.L., Kharaghani, A., Kirsch, C., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete pore network modeling of superheated steam drying, Drying Technol., 35 (2017), 1584-1601
- Tran, T.T.H., Jaskulski, Tsotsas, E.: Reduction of a model for single droplet drying and application to CFD of skim milk spray drying, Drying Technol., 35 (2017), 1571-1583
- Chen, K., Bachmann, P., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental study and modeling of particle drying in a continuously-operated horizontal fluidized bed, Particuology, 34 (2017), 134-146
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Shell porosity in spray fluidized bed coating with suspensions, Adv. Powder Technol., 28 (2017), 2921-2928
- Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of the influence of drying conditions on process stability of continuous spray fluidized bed layering granulation with external product separation, Powder Technol., 320 (2017), 474-482
- Fischer, C., Jaskulski, M., Tsotsas, E.: Inline method of droplet and particle size distribution analysis in dilute disperse systems, Adv. Powder Technol., 28 (2017), 2820-2829
- Jaskulski, M., Atuonwu, J.C., Tran, T.T.H., Stapley, A.G.F., Tsotsas, E.: Predictive CFD modelling of whey protein denaturation in skim milk spray drying powder productions, Adv. Powder Technol., 28 (2017), 3140-3147
- Moghaddam, A., Prat, M., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Evaporation in capillary porous media at the perfect piston-like invasion limit: Evidence of nonlocal equilibrium effects, Water Resources Research, 53 (2017), 10422-10449
- Jiang, Z., Hagemeier, T., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Color-PTV measurement and CFD-DEM simulation of poly-disperse particle systems in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed, Chem. Eng. Sci., 179 (2018), 115-132
- Jiang, Z., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: CFD-DEM study of residence time, droplet deposition, and collision velocity for a binary particle mixture in a Wurster fluidized bed coater, Drying Technol., 36 (2018), 638-650
- Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Drying of thin porous disks from pore network simulations, Drying Technol., 36 (2018), 651-663
- Moghaddam, A., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: A pore network study of evaporation from the surface of a drying non-hygroscopic porous medium, AIChE J., 64 (2018), 1435-1447
- Pashminehazar, R., Ahmed, S.J., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Spatial morphology of maltodextrin agglomerates from X-ray microtomographic data: Real structure evaluation vs. spherical primary particle model, Powder Technol., 331 (2018), 204-217
- Vu, H.T., Tsotsas, E.: Mass and heat transport models for analysis of the drying process in porous media: A review and numerical implementation, Intern. J. Chem. Eng., 2018, Article ID 9456418
- Neugebauer, C., Bück, A., Palis, S., Mielke, L., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Influence of thermal conditions on particle properties in fluidized bed layering granulation, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (PBM), 06.-09. Mai 2018, Ghent/Belgien
- Golovin, I., Strenzke, G., Wegner, M., Palis, S., Bück, A., Kienle, A., Tsotsas, E.: Parameter identification for continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (PBM), 06.-09. Mai 2018, Ghent/Belgien
- Hampel, N., Roydeva, E., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Coating of finely dispersed particles by two-fluid nozzle, Particuology, 38 (2018), 80-93
- Le, K.H., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Continuum-scale modeling of superheated steam drying of cellular plant porous media, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 124 (2018), 1033-1044
- Idakiev, V.V., Steinke, C., Sondej, F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Mörl, L.: Inductive heating of fluidized beds: Spray coating process, Powder Technol., 328 (2018), 26-37
- Sondej, F., Peglow, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of the morphology of salt deposits from drying sessile droplets by white-light interferometry, AIChE J., 64 (2018), 2002-2016
- Zhang, L., Weigler, F., Idakiev, V., Jiang, Z., Mörl, L., Mellmann, J., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental study of the particle motion in flighted rotating drums by means of magnetic particle tracking, Powder Technol., 339 (2018), 817-826
- Rieck, C., Schmidt, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Monte Carlo modeling of binder-less spray agglomeration in fluidized beds, AIChE J., 64 (2018), 3582-3594
- Le, K.H., Hampel, N., Kharaghani, A., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Superheated steam drying of single wood particles: A characteristic drying curve model deduced from continuum model simulations and assessed by experiments, Drying Technol., 36 (2018), 1866-1881
- Diez, E., Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S.: Influence of process conditions on the product properties in a continuous fluidized bed spray granulation process, Chem. Eng. Res. & Design, 139 (2018), 104-115
- Strenzke, G., Golovin, I., Wegner, M., Palis, S., Bück, A., Kienle, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of drying conditions on process properties and parameter identification for continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Mielke, L.; Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Multi-zone & multi-compartment model for dynamic simulation of horizontal fluidized bed granulator, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Müller, D., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Heat and mass transfer modelling of continuous Wurster-spray-granulation with external product classification, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Först, P., Lechner, M., Vorhauer, N., Schuchmann, H., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation on pore size distribution and drying kinetics during lyophilizarion of sugar solutions, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Du, J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of spray agglomeration process in continuously operated horizontal fluidized bed, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Jiang, Z., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling of particle behavior in a Wurster fluidized bed: Coupling CFD-DEM with Monte Carlo, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Jaskulski, M., Tran, H.T.T., Tsotsas, E.: CFD model-supported design of monodisperse co-current spray dryers, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Vorhauer, N., Först, P., Schuchmann, H., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network model of primary freeze drying, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Pham, T.S., Chareyre, B., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: A pore-scale study on the drying kinetics and mechanical behavior of particle aggregates, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Zhang, L., Weigler, F., Jiang, Z., Idakiev, V., Mörl, L., Mellmann, J., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of 3D particle flow in a flighted rotating drum, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Rahimi, A., Metzger, T., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Discrete modelling of ion transport and crystallization in layered porous media during drying, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Lu, X., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Dependency of continuum model parameters on the spatially correlated pore structure studied by pore-network drying simulations, Proceedings of the 21th International Drying Symposium (IDS2018), 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia/Spanien
- Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M.: Temperature gradient double stabilization of the evaporation front within a drying porous media, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3 (2018), 114201
- Neugebauer, C., Bück, A., Palis, S., Mielke, L., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Influence of thermal conditions on particle properties in fluidized bed layering granulation, Processes, (2018), 6, 235
- Gouaou, I, Shamaei, S., Koutchoukali, M.B., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Impact of operating conditions on a single droplet and spray drying of hydroxypropylated pea starch: Process performance and final powder properties, Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng., e2268, (2018), 1-18
- Golovin, I., Strenzke, G., Dürr, R., Palis, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Parameter identification for continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Processes, (2018), 6, 246
- Müller, D., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of separation properties and processing strategies on product characteristics in continuous fluidized bed spray granulation, Powder Technol., 342 (2019), 572-584
- Pashminehazar, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of fractal dimension and prefactor of agglomerates with irregular structure, Powder Technol., 343 (2019), 765-774
- Tsotsas, E.: Particle-particle heat transfer in thermal DEM: Three competing models and a new equation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 132 (2019), 939-943
- Chen, K., Bachmann, P., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: CFD simulation of particle residence time distribution in industrial scale horizontal fluidized bed, Powder Technol., 345 (2019), 129-139
- Kharaghani, A., Le, K.H., Tran, T.T.H., Tsotsas, E.: Reaction engineering approach for modeling single wood particle drying at elevated air temperature, Chem. Eng. Sci., 199 (2019), 602-612
- Vu, H.T., Tsotsas, E.: A framework and numerical solution of the drying process in porous media by using a continuous model, Intern. J. Chem. Eng., 2019, Article ID 9043670
- Strenzke, Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of dynamic process stability of continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration with internal classification, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 9.-11. April 2019, Nürnberg
- Pham, T.S., Chareyre, B., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Mechanical behaviour of particle aggregates during drying, Proceedings of the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, 9.-11. April 2019, Nürnberg
- Idakiev, V., Bück, A., Mörl, L., Tsotsas, E.: Inductive heating of fluidized beds: Mobile versus stationary heat exchange elements, Drying Technol., 37 (2019), 652-663
- Szadzinska, J., Lechtanska, J., Pashminehazar, R., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Microwave- and ultrasound-assisted convective drying of raspberries: Drying kinetics and microstructural changes, Drying Technol., 37 (2019), 1-12
- Zarekar, S., Bück, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: Numerical study of the hydrodynamics of fluidized beds operated under sub-atmospheric pressure, Chem., Eng. J., 372 (2019), 1134-1153
- Jabbari, Y., Tsotsas, E., Kirsch, C., Kharaghani, A.: Determination of the moisture transport coefficient from pore network simulations of spontaneous imbibition in capillary porous media, Chem. Eng. Sci. 207 (2019), 600-610
- Hampel, N., Le, K.H., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Continuous modeling of superheated steam drying of single rice grains, Drying Technol., 37 (2019), 1583-1596
- Jiang, Z., Chen, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Novel algorithm for particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) of non-spherical particles, Proceedings of the 9th International Granulation Workshop, 26.-27. Juni 2019, Lausanne/Switzerland
- Rieck, C., Müller, D., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling of undesired agglomeration in fluidized bed coating, Proceedings of the 9th International Granulation Workshop, 26.-27. Juni 2019, Lausanne/Switzerland
- Strenzke, G., Du, J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental investigation of process behavior of continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration with internal classification, Proceedings of the 9th International Granulation Workshop, 26.-27. Juni 2019, Lausanne/Switzerland
- Rahimi, A., Kharaghani, A., Metzger, T., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network modelling of a shrinking porous medium saturated with a solution, Proceedings of the 7th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2019), 10.-11. Juli 2019, Torino/Italy
- Foerst, P., Gruber, S., Hilmer, M., Vorhauer, N., Schulz, M., Tsotsas, E.: Freeze drying behavior of spray frozen and pelletized materials by neutron radiography and tomography, Proceedings of the 7th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2019), 10.-11. Juli 2019, Torino/Italy
- Mahmood, H., Lu, X., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: The role of discrete capillary rings in mass transfer from the surface of capillary porous medium during drying, Proceedings of the 7th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2019), 10.-11. Juli 2019, Torino/Italy
- Vorhauer, N., Altaf, H., Tsotsas, E., Vidakovic-Koch, T.:Pore network simulation of gas-liquid distribution in porous transport layers,Processes, (2019), 7, 558
- Diez, E., Kieckhefen, P., Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S.:Particle dynamics in a multistaged fluidized bed: Particle transport behavior on micro-scale by discrete particle modelling, Adv. Powder Technol., 30 (2019), 2014-2031
- Singh, A.K., Tsotsas, E.:Stochastic model to simulate spray fluidized bed agglomeration: A morphological approach,Powder Technol., 355 (2019), 449-460
- Pramudita, D., Tsotsas, E.:A model of pulse combustion drying and breakup of colloidal suspension droplets,Powder Technol., 355 (2019), 755-769
Vorhauer, N., Tretau, A., Bück, A., Prat, M.: Microwave drying of wet clay with intermittent heating, Drying Technol., 37 (2019), 664-678
Geistlinger, H., Ding, Yi, Apelt, B., Schlüter, S., Küchler, M., Reuter, D., Vorhauer, N.: Evaporation study based on micromodel Experiments: Comparison of theory and Experiment, Water Resources Research, 55 (2019), 6653-6672
- Jiang, Z., Du, J., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.:PTV experiments and DEM simulations of the coefficient of restitution for irregular particles impacting on horizontal substrates,Powder Technol., 360 (2020), 352-365
- Jiang, Z., Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.:Modeling of inter- and intra-particle coating uniformity in a Wurster fluidized bed by a coupled CFD-DEM-Monte Carlo approach,Chem. Eng. Sci., 211 (2020), 115289
- Le, K.H., Tran, H.T.T., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.:Experimental benchmarking of diffusion and reduced models for convective drying of single rice grains, Drying Technol., 38 (2020), 200-210
- Jaskulski, M., Tran, H.T.T., Tsotsas, E.:Design study of printer nozzle spray dryer by computational fluid dynamics modeling,Drying Technol., 38 (2020), 211-223
- Zhang, L., Jiang, Z., Weigler, F., Herz, F., Mellmann, J., Tsotsas, E.:PTV measurement and DEM simulation of the particle motion in a flighted rotating drum,Powder Technol., 363 (2020), 23-37
- Wu, R., Zhang, T., Ye, C., Zhao, C.Y., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.:Pore network model of evaporation in porous media with continuous and discontinuous corner films, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5 (2020), 014307
- Du, J., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.:Influence of process variables on spray agglomeration process in a continuously operated horizontal fluidized bed,Powder Technol., 363 (2020), 195-206
- Hilmer, M., Peters, J., Schulz, M., Gruber, S., Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E., Foerst, P.:Development of an experimental setup for in situ visualization using neutron radiography and computed tomography,Review of Scientific Instruments, 91 (2020), 014102
- Gruber, S., Vorhauer, N., Schulz, M., Hilmer, M., Peters, J., Tsotsas, E., Foerst, P.:Estimation of the local sublimation front velocities from neutron radiography and tomography of particulate matter,Chem. Eng. Sci., 211 (2020), 115268
- Singh, A. K., Tsotsas, E.:A tunable aggregation of spray fluidized bed agglomeration,Powder Technol., 364 (2020), 417-428
- Rezendes Tada, E.F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Thoméo, J. C.:Mass transport in a partially filled horizontal drum: Modelling and experiments,Chem. Eng. Sci., 214 (2020), 115448
- Panda, D., Supriya, B., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.:Lattice Boltzmann simulations for micro-macro interactions during isothermal drying of bundle of capillaries, Chem. Eng. Sci., 220 (2020), 115634
- Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.:Estimation of the dominant size enlargement mechanism in spray fluidized bed processes,AIChE J., 2020, 66:e 16920
Altaf, H., Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E., Vidakovic-Koch, T.: Steady-state water drainage by oxygen in anodic porous transport layer of electrolyzers: A 2D pore network study,Processes, 2020, 8(3):362
Foerst, P., Gruber, S., Schulz, M., Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E.: Characterization of lyophilization of frozen bulky solids,Chem. Eng. Technol., 43 (2020), 789-796
Bachmann, P., Chen, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of particle size and layer-thickness distributions in a continuous horizontal fluidized-bed coating process,Particuology, 50 (2020), 1-12
Le, K.H., Tran, T.T.H., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling of superheated steam drying of wood particles, J. Mech. Eng. Res. Develop., 43 (2020), 160-170
Lu, X., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: Transport parameters of macroscopic continuum model determined from discrete pore network simulations of drying porous media: Throat-node vs. throat-pore configuations, Chem. Eng. Sci., 223 (2020), 115723
Strenzke, G., Dürr, R., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.:Influence of operating parameters on process behavior and product quality in continuous spray fluidized bed agglomeration,Powder Technol., 375 (2020), 210-220
Vorhauer-Huget, N., Mannes, D., Hilmer, M., Gruber, S., Strobl, M., Tsotsas, E., Foerst, P.: Freeze-drying with structured sublimation fronts: Visualization with neutron imaging,Processes, 8 (2020), 1091
Ahmad, F., Talbi, M., Prat, M., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.:Non-local equilibrium continuum modeling of partially saturated drying porous media: Comparison with pore network simulations,Chem. Eng. Sci., 228 (2020), 115957
Vorhauer-Huget, N., Altaf, H., Dürr, R., Tsotsas, E., Vidakovic-Koch, T.:Computational optimization of porous structures for electrochemical processes,Processes, 8 (2020), 1205
- Lu, X., Kharaghani, A., Adloo, H., Tsotsas, E.:The Brooks and Corey capillary pressure model revisited from pore network simulations of capillarity-controlled invasion percolation process, Processes, 8 (2020), 131
- Zhang, R., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Novel technique for coating of fine particles using fluidized bed and aerosol atomizer, Processes, 8 (2020), 1525
- Zhang, T., Wu, R., Zhao, C.Y., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Capillary instability induced gas-liquid displacement in porous media: Experimental observation and pore network model, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5 (2020), 104305
Panda, D., Paliwal, S., Sourya, D.P., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.: Influence of thermal gradients on the invasion patterns during drying of porous media: A Lattice Boltzmann Method, Physics of Fluids, 32 (2020), 122116
Mezhericher, M., Rieck, C., Razorenov, N., Tsotsas, E.: Ultrathin coating of particles in fluidized bed using submicron droplet aerosol, Particuology, 53 (2020), 23-29
Ahmad, F., Rahimi, A., Tsotsas, E., Prat, M., Kharaghani, A.: From micro-scale to macro-scale modeling of solute transport in drying capillary porous media, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 154B (2021), 120722
Le, K.H., Tran, T.T.H., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Superheated steam drying of single wood particles: Modeling and comparative study with hot air drying, Chem. Eng. Technol., 44 (2021), 114-123
Lu, X., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Insights into evaporation from the surface of capillary porous media gained by discrete pore network simulations, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 168 (2021), 120877
Mielke, L., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Multi-stage and multi-compartment model for dynamic simulation of horizontal fluidized bed granulator, Drying Technol., 39 (2021), 203-218
Silva Canedo, M., Santos Figueiredo, M.F., Thomik, M., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E., Thomeo, J.C.: Porosity and pore size distribution of beds composed by sugarcane bagasse and wheat bran for solid-state cultivation, Powder Technol., 386 (2021), 166-175
Lu, X., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Drying of capillary porous media simulated by coupling of continuum-scale and micro-scale models, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 140 (2021), 103654
Briest, L., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Mikrowellentrocknung von Sanitärkeramiken, Keramische Zeitschrift, 2 (2021), 36-42
Janocha, M., Tsotsas, E.: In silico investigation of the evaporation flux distribution along sessile,droplet surfaces during convective drying, Chem. Eng. Sci., 238 (2021), 116590
Du, J., Chen, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.:Stochastic simulation of spray agglomeration process in a continuously operated horizontal fluidized bed by Monte Carlo method, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized bed Technology, CFB-13, Online, 10.-14. Mai 2021
Janocha, M., Tsotsas, E.:Analysis of drying parameter effects on porosity evolution during successive layer build-up from dried deposited droplets, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized bed Technology, CFB-13, Online, 10.-14. Mai 2021
Strenzke, G., Dürr, R., Bück, A., Kienle, A., Tsotsas, E.:Experimental investigation of process behaviour of continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration with internal classification, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized bed Technology, CFB-13, Online, 10.-14. Mai 2021
Singh, A.K., Tsotsas, E.:Stochastic simulation of spray fluidized bed agglomeration by modeling the morphology, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized bed Technology, CFB-13, Online, 10.-14. Mai 2021
Zhang, R., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Novel technique for coating of fine particles using fluidized bed and aerosol atomizer, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized bed Technology, CFB-13, Online, 10.-14. Mai 2021
Kharaghani, A., Mahmood, H.T., Wang, Y., Tsotsas, E.: Three-dimensional visualization and modeling of capillary liquid rings observed during drying of dense particle packings, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 177 (2021), 121505
Paliwal, S., Panda, D., Bhaskaran, S., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.:Lattice Boltzmann method to study the water-oxygen distributions in porous transport layer (PTL) of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyser.Intern. J. Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021), 22747-22762
- Gruber, S., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Schulz, M., Peters, J., Tsotsas, E., Foerst, P.: Beschreibung der Sublimationsfront in Schüttgütern mittels Neutronenradiografie und -tomografie, Pharm. Ind., 83 (2021), 694-704
- Zhang, L., Jiang, Z., Mellmann, J., Weigler, F., Herz, F., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of the number of flights on the dilute phase ratio in flighted rotating drums by PTV measurements and DEM simulations, Particuolgy, 56 (2021), 171-182
- Pramudita, D., Teiwes, A., Jacob, M., Tsotsas, E.: Crust breakage in production of fine particles using pulse combustion drying: Experimental and numerical investigations, Powder Technol., 393 (2021), 77-98
Janocha, M., Tsotsas, E.: In-depth investigation of incremental layer build-up from dried deposited droplets, AIChE J., 66 (2021), e17436
Otto, E., Dürr, R., Palis, Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Kernel identification in continuous fluidized bed spray agglomeration from steady state data, Adv. Powder Technol., 32 (2021), 2517-2529
Singh, A.K., Tsotsas, E.: A fast and improved tunable aggregation model for stochastic simulation of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Energies, 14 (2021), 72221
Mahmood, H.F., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: The role of discrete capillary rings in mass transfer from the surface of a drying capillary porous medium, Transport Porous Media, 140 (2021), 351-369
Singh, A.K., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of polydispersity and breakage on stochastic simulations of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Chem. Eng. Sci., 247 (2022), 117022
Hussain, F., Jaskulski, M., Piatkowski, M., Tsotsas, E.: CFD simulation of agglomeration and coalescence in spray dryer, Chem. Eng. Sci., 247 (2022), 117064
Du, J., Strenzke, G., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Monte Carlo modeling of spray agglomeration in a cylindrical fluidized bed: From batch-wise to continuous processes, Powder Technol., 396 (2022), 113-126
Zhan, N., Wu, R., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Proposal for extraction of pore networks with pores of high aspect ratios, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7 (2022), 014304
Strenzke, G., Janocha, M., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Morphological descriptors of agglomerates produced in continuously operated spray fluidized beds, Powder Technol., 397 (2022), 117111
Pramudita, D., Humjaa, S., Tsotsas, E.: Droplet drying and whey protein denaturation in pulsed gas flow - modeling study, J. Food Eng., 321 (2022), 110959
Bhaskaran, S., Pandey, D., Panda, D., Paliwal, S., Vorhauer, N., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.: Study on film effects during isothermal drying of square capillary tube using Lattice Boltzmann method, Drying Technol., 40 (2022), 735-747
Thomik, M., Gruber, S., Foerst, P., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: Determination of 3D pore network structure of freeze dried maltodextrin, Drying Technol., 40 (2022), 748-766
Wu, W., Chen, K., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of particle mixing time in a rotary drum by 2D DEM simulations and cross-correlation, Adv. Powder Technol., 33 (2022), 103512
Panda, D., Bhaskaran, S., Paliwal, S., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.: Pore-scale physics of drying porous media revealed by Lattice Boltzmann simulations, Drying Technol., 40 (2022), 1114-1129
Wang, R., Singh, A.K., Kolan, S.R., Tsotsas, E.: Fractal analysis of aggregates: Correlation between the 2D and 3D box-counting fractal dimension and power law fractal dimension, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 160 (2022), 112246
Rodrigues, S.J., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E.: Effective thermal conductivity of packed beds made of cubical particles, Intern. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 194 (2022), 122994
Ahmad, F., Prat, M., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Two-equation continuum model of drying appraised by comparison with pore network simulations, Intern. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 194 (2022), 123073
Pour, Y.D., Krasovitov, B., Fominykh, A., Hashemloo, Z., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Levy, A.:Intensification of spray drying granulation process by gas absorption accompanied by chemical dissociation reactions, Chem. Eng. J., 433 (2022), 133566
Janocha, M., Tsotsas, E.: Coating layer formation from deposited droplets: A comparison of nanofluid, microfluid and solution, Powder Technol., 399 (2022), 117202
Pham, S.T., Chareyre, B., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Pore network modeling of phase distribution and capillary force evolution during slow drying of particle aggregates, Powder Technol., 407 (2022), 117627
Vorhauer-Huget, N., Briest, L., Wagner, Tretau, A., Rahimi, A., Tsotsas, E.: Einsatz von Mikrowellenerwärmung zur Elektrifizierung der Ziegelrohlingstrocknung, ZI, 3 (2022), 8-24
Briest, L., Wagner, R., Tretau, A., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: Microwave-assisted drying of clay roof tiles, Drying Technol., 40 (2022), 1804-1818
Thomik, M., Gruber, S., Kaestner, A., Foerst, P., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: Experimental study of the impact of pore structure on drying kinetics and sublimation front patterns, Pharmaceutics, 14 (2022), 1538
Desai, K.S., Seenuvasan, K., Bhaskaran, S., Pandey, D., Bandaru, N., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.: Comparison of CM and LBM to study multiphase flow in the anodic porous transport layer of PEM water electrolyzer, Proceedings of International Conference on Novel Materials and Technologies for Energy and Environment Applications, 18-19 February, 2022, online
Ehrhardt, A.L., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Rzepus, H.J., Broneske, D.: Animation of a forgotten invention: The soda locomotive, Proceedings of Edulearn, 4-6 July 2022, Palma, Spain
Hussain, F, Sondej, F., Jaskulski, M., Peglow, M. Tsotsas, E.:Experimental determination of binary droplet-droplet collisions in spray drying atomization zone, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Du, J., Singh, A. Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Monte Carlo simulation of the influence of drying conditions on the spray agglomeration process in a continuously operated horizontal fluidized bed, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Singh, A., Tsotsas, E.: Modeling the agglomeration of spray-dried milk powder in a spray fluidized bed, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Janocha, M. Hussain, F., Tsotsas, E.: Direct numerical simulation of sessile droplet drying under varying convective conditions, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Müller, D., Briest, L., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: A two-zone continuum model of heat and mass transfer in Wurster fluidization, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Rieck, C., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Estimation of the dominant size enlargement mechanism in spray fluidized beds, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Gruber, S., Vorhauer, N., Schulz, M., Xu, X., Hilmer, M., Thomik, M. Tsotsas, E., Schuchmann, H., Foerst, P.: Experimental investigations on freeze-drying of particulate matter by using neutron imaging, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Kolan, S., Wang, R., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Homo and Hetero agglomerate formation of nanoparticles in a spouted bed, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Lu, X., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Drying of capillary porous media simulated by coupling of continuum-scale and meso-scale models, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Mezhericher, M., Rieck, C., Razorenov, N., Tsotsas, E.: Ultrathin coating of particles in fluidized bed using aerosol of submicron droplets, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Briest, L., Vorhauer, N., Tretau, A., Wagner, R., Tsotsas, E.: Microwave drying of wet clay in pilot-scale plant, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Thomik, M., Briest, L., Vorhauer, N., Gruber, S., Först, P., Schuchmann, H., Tsotsas, E.: Evaluation of methods to represent the structure in tomographic images of freeze-dried porous media, Proceedings of 22th International Drying Symposium (IDS2022), 26-29 June 2022, Worcester/USA
Hussain, F., Chen, K., Jaskulski, M., Piatkowski, M., Tsotsas, E.: Experimental study of the parametric impact on size growth of maltodextrin particles in counter-current spray dryer, Powder Technol., 409 (2022), 117792
Bhaskaran, S., Pandey, D., Surasani, V.K., Tsotsas, E., Vidakovic-Koch, T., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: LBM studies at pore scale for graded anodic porous transport layer (PTL) of PEM water electrolyzer, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 74 (2022), 31551-31565
Gruber, S., Thomik, M., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Hans, L., Tsotsas, E., Foerst, P.: The influence of local microstructure inhomogeneities on local drying kinetics during freeze-drying, Pharmaceutics, 14 (2022), 2132
- Milicic, T., Altaf, H., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Zivkovic, L.A., Tsotsas, E., Vidakovic-Koch, T.: Modeling and analysis of mass transport losses of proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer, Processes, 10 (2022), 2417
- Wang, R., Singh, A.K., Kolan, S.R., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of the relationship between the 2D and 3D box-counting fractal properties and power law fractal properties of aggregates, Fractal Fract. 6 (2022), 728
- Singh, A., Tsotsas, E.: Agglomeration of spray-dried milk powder in a spray fluidized bed: A morphological modeling, Processes, 10 (2022), 2718
- Faridi, I.K., Tsotsas, E., Heineken, W., Koegler, M., Kharaghani, A.: Spatio-temporal prediction of temperature in fluidized bed biomass gasifier using dynamic recurrent neural network method, Appl. Thermal Eng. 219 (2023), 119334
- Rodrigues, S.J., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Richter, T., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of particle shape on tortuosity of non-spherical particle packed beds, Processes, 11 (2023), 3
- Akbas, S., Chen, K., Hoffmann, H., Scheffler, F., Tsotsas, E.: Investigation of island growth on fluidized particles coated by means in aerosol, Processes, 11 (2023), 165
- Men, J., Kolan, S.R., Massomi, A., Hoffmann, T., Schmidt, J., Tsotsas, E., Bück, A.: Formulation of nanostructured heteroaggregates by fluidization technologies, Chem.-Ing.-Techn., 95 (2023), 107-113
- Li, X., Chen, K., Wie, X., Jin, H., Wang, G., Guo, L., Tsotsas, E.: Distribution characteristics of salt crystals in a supercritical water fluidized bed reactor with CFD-PBM coupled model, PowderTechnol., 420 (2023), 118357
- Pour, Y.D., Krasovitov, B., Fominykh, A., Hashemloo, Z., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Levy, A.: Combined effect of acoustic field and gas absorption on evaporation of slurry droplet, Drying Technol., 41 (2023), 767-782
- Lu, Xiang, Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Scale transition: Pore network study of how pore structure affects the macroscopic parameters of the continuum model for drying,Drying Technol., 41 (2023), 948-967
- Vorhauer-Huget, N., Thomik, M., Gruber, S., Först, P., Tsotsas, E.: Pore network simulation of heat and mass transfer during freeze-drying of porous media, Proceedings of the 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Briest, L., Dharmananda, P., Tretau, A., Wagner, R., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: Proceed, Proceedings of the 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Chen, J., Lu, X., Kharaghani, A.: Evolution of pore structure during the drying of porous media, Proceedings of the 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Gruber, S., Thomik, M., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Coppens, F., Tsotsas, E., Först, P.: In-situ analysis of the 3-D microstructure and its impact on the freeze-drying kinetics, Proceedings of the 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Pour, Y.D., Krasovitov, B., Fominykh, A., Hashemloo, Z., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Levy, A.: Spray drying of slurry droplets: effect of acoustic field and gas absorption, Proceedings of the 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Hashemloo, Z., Pour, Y. D., Krasovitov, B., Fominykh, A., Levy, A., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Intensification of spray drying by absorption and desorption of soluble gases investigated experimentally at the level of single liquid droplets, Proceedings of the European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Hussain, F., Ali, F., Jaskulski, M., Piatkowski, M., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of spray dried product properties using machine learning algorithms, Proceedings of the 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Bürger, L.V., Jaskulski, M., Kharaghani, A.: CFD simulations of agglomeration in counter-current spray drying with fines return, Proceedings of the European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023), 4 - 7 July 2023, Lodz/Poland
- Kolan, S.R., Wang, R., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Mixing sub-micron particles in a ProCell type spouted bed,Powder Technol., 428 (2023), 118828
- Thomik, M., Faber, F., Gruber, S., Foerst, P., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: A non-isothermal pore network model of primary freeze drying, Pharmaceutics, 15 (2023), 2131
Fischer, J., Rodrigues, S.J., Kriegeskorte, M., Hilse, N., Illana, E., Scherer, V., Tsotsas, E.: Particle-particle contact heat transfer models in thermal DEM: A model comparison and experimental validation, Powder Technol., 429 (2023), 118909
Guo, S., Chen, K., Tsotsas, E., Shang, F., Jin, H., Chen, Y., Guo, L.: A large-eddy simulation study of the transcritical mixing process in coaxial jet flow under supercritical condition, J. Supercritical Fluids, 203 (2023), 106080
Rodrigues, S.J., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of effective thermal conductivity of packed beds of polyhedral particles, Powder Technol., 430 (2023), 118997
Sourya, D.P., Panda, D., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E., Gurugubelli, P.S., Surasani, V.K.: Lattice Boltzmann simulations for the drying of porous media with gas-side convection-diffusion boundary, Phys. Fluids, 35 (2023), 113324
Kolan, S.R., Wang, R., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Mixing nanoparticles in a ProCell type spouted bed, Powder Technol., 431 (2024), 119129
S. Bhoi, Kolan, S.R., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Population balance modeling of formation and breakage of nanoparticle agglomerates in a spouted bed, Powder Technol., 433 (2024), 119271
Wu, W., Chen, K., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of particle mixing in rotary drums by a DEM data-driven PSO-SVR model, Powder Technol., 434 (2024), 119365
Faridi, I.K., Tsotsas, E., Kharaghani, A.: Advancing process control in fluidized bed biomass gasification using model-based deep reinforcement learning, Processes, 12 (2024), 254
Alkadhem, A.M., Mohamed, H.O., Kulkarni, S.R., Hoffmann, T., Zapater, D., Musteata, V.E., Tsotsas, E., Castano, P.: Shaping technical catalyst particles in a bottom-spray fluidized bed, Powder Technol., 438 (2024), 119602
Chen, K., Li, Z., Akbas, S., Tsotsas, E.: Monte Carlo modeling of particle agglomeration during polymer pyrolysis in bubbling fluidized bed, Fuel, 367 (2024), 131487
Otto, E., Dürr, R., Kienle, A., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E.: Dynamic modelling of particle size and porosity distribution in fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Proceedings of the European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, ESCAPE34-PSE24, 2.-6. Juni 2024, Florence/Italien
Bhaskaran, S., Milicic, T., Vidakovic-Koch, T., Surasani, V.K., Tsotsas, E., Vorhauer-Huget, N.: Model PEM water electrolyzer cell for studies of periodically alternating drainage/imbibition cycles, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 77 (2024), 1432-1442
Akbas, S., Zhang, J., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Aerosol fluidized bed coating: Exploring the impact of process conditions on process yield, coating coverage and thickness, Chem. Eng. J., 495 (2024), 153349
Gruber, S., Greiner, J., Eppink, A., Thomik, M., Coppens, F., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E., Foerst, P.: Pore shape matters - In-situ investigation of freeze-drying kinetics by 4D XCT methods, Food Res. J., 193 (2024), 114837
Wu, W., Chen, K., Tsotsas, E.: Prediction of rod-like particle mixing in rotary drums by three machine learning methods based on DEM simulation data, Powder Technol. 448 (2024), 120307
Zhan, N., Wang, Y, Lu, X., Wu, R., Kharaghani, A.: Pore-corner networks unveiled: Extraction and interactions in porous media, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9 (2024), 014303
Sourya, D.P., Gurugubelli, P.S., Bhaskaran, S., Vorhauer-Huget, N., Tsotsas, E., Surasani, V.K.: A comparative study on the Lattice Boltzmann method and the VoF-continuum method for oxygen transport in the anodic porous transport layer of an electrolyzer, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 92, (2024), 1091-1098
Tsotsas, E.:How material dry: Kinetics, structure, models, scale transition, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 151,
22-25 November 2024, Wuxi/China
Akbas, S., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Ultrathin aerosol coating process for fluidized particles, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 83, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
Ajalova, A., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Correlation between process parameters and structure-property of agglomerates produced in a spray fluidized bed, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 78, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
- Hashemloo, Z., Liu, E., Lu, X., Kharaghani, A.: Drying dynamics of sinlgel liquid droplets in gas mixtures, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 133, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
- Bürger, J.V., Jakulki, M., Kharaghani, A.: CFD studies of agglomeration and coalescence in spray drying with fines return, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 163, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
Chen, J., Lu, X., Kharaghani, A.: Drying-induced microstructural dynamics reflected in transport parameters via pore network model simulations, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 110,22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
Kaabi, A., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Determination of process conditions for incipient agglomeration at the border to the coating, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 45, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
Kolan, S.R., Wang, R., Hoffmann, T., Tsotsas, E.: Coating of nanoparticles in a Procell spouted bed using aerosol technology, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 114, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
Zhan, N., Wang, Y., Lu, X., Wu, R., Kharaghani, A.: Pore network simulations of drying dynamics in porous materials with high aspect ratio pores, Proceedings of 23rd International Drying Symposium (IDS2024), Paper No. 116, 22-25 November 2024, Wuxi, China
- Otto, E., Ajalova, A., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Kienle, A.: Population balance modeling of particle size and porosity in fluidized bed spray agglomeration, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 63 (2024) , 17545-17556
Rodrigues, S.J., Kazemi, N., Tsotsas, E.: Local-scale variability in packed beds of polyhedral particles: Structural and thermal distribution, Powder Technol., 451 (2025) 120461
Wang, R., Ajalova, A., Kolan, S.R., Hoffmann, T., Chen K., Tsotsas, E.: Representation of aggregates from their two-dimensional images for primary particles of different sizes, Powder Technol. 451 (2025) 120465
- Malekjani, N., Kharaghani, A., Tsotsas, E.: A comparative study of dimensional and non-dimensional inputs in physics-informed and data-driven neural networks for single-droplet evaporation, Chem. Eng. Sci., 306 (2025), 121214