Biofilm Growth


Biomass growth in porous media is a critical process influencing a wide range of applications, from biofilm reactors to soil health and subsurface bioremediation. We investigate the growth dynamics and transport phenomena within porous matrices using advanced computational and experimental techniques. For this, we incorporate detailed structural data obtained from X-ray µ-CT to accurately model the pore network geometry. Our simulations capture the spatial distribution and growth patterns of microbial communities under varying nutrient availability and flow conditions.

We aim to quantify the effective transport properties and evaluate the feedback mechanisms between biomass accumulation, pore blockage, and nutrient transport. Additionally, we seek to develop a coupled model that integrates growth kinetics, hydrodynamics, and biofilm mechanics at the pore scale.


  • Dr. Katja Bettenbrock
    Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
    Analysis and Redesign of Biological Networks
    Sandtorstrasse 1
    39106 Magdeburg

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Dürr
    Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
    Engineering Mathematics
    Breitscheidstraße 2
    39114 Magdeburg

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Kienle
    Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
    Process Synthesis and Process Dynamics
    Sandtorstraße 1
    39106 Magdeburg


  • Aamer, E., Faber, F., Bhaskaran, S., Dürr, R., Bettenbrock, K., Kienle, A., & Vorhauer-Huget, N. (2024). Model-based study of the regulation of biofilm growth by design of the porous substratum (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 4966212). Preprint available at

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