
We are always open for motivated students that are looking for some opportunity to write a Bachelor or Master Thesis within our TPM research group, with or without an industrial partner. Usually, thesis topics are located within the main scope of our research, which includes any pore-level transport problems occuring in chemical engineering, which covers the macroscopic process performance that is dependent on microscopic phenomena as well.

Our research methods span across different fields of application, ranging from biofilm growth in porous media over freeze-drying of food and pharmaceuticals up to microwave-driven processes like drying or pyrolysis, but we are keen to broaden this field with your own ideas.

If you are interested, contact our group leader Dr.-Ing. Nicole Vorhauer-Huget with a short and formless e-mail describing the topic you are interested in briefly, and having CV plus transcript of grades attached.

Letzte Änderung: 18.11.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster